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Bomb attack on Christian section of DamascusCWN - 16 hours ago
A car bomb exploded in the Christian quarter of Damascus, killing 10. The area has largely escaped the violence that has engulfed Syria over the past year.“The bomb exploded as people were...
Vatican tribunal publishes verdict against Vatileaks' convict GabrieleCWN - 7 hours ago
The Vatican has published the full verdict of a Vatican tribunal that found Paolo Gabriele guilty of aggravated thefit in the “Vatileaks” scandal. The tribunal found that Gabriele, the former...
Uruguay’s bishops: pro-abortion legislators are automatically excommunicatedCWN - 16 hours ago
The secretary of Uruguay’s episcopal conference says that lawmakers who recently voted to legalize abortion are automatically excommunicated.“Automatic excommunication is for those who...
Cardinal Bertone explains postponement of Vatican delegation's visit to SyriaCWN - 7 hours ago
A visit to Syria by a delegation of prelates appointed by Pope Benedict XVI will probably not take place until after the conclusion of the Synod of Bishops, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone has...
Trial of 2nd 'Vatileaks' suspect will be November 5CWN - 7 hours ago
The trial of Claudio Sciarpelletti, the 2nd suspect in the “Vatileaks” scandal, will take place on November 5, the Vatican has announced. Sciarpelletti, a computer expert who worked at the...
Priests are worst abusers, ex-cleric tells Australian inquiryCWN - 7 hours ago
A former Catholic priest has told an Australian parliamentary inquiry that Catholic clerics are more likely than any other ministers to engage in sexual abuse of children. Des Cahill told a...
Clean-up begins after massive flooding at Lourdes shrineCWN - 7 hours ago
Workers at the famous Marian shrine at Lourdes have begun a laborious clean-up process after severe flooding. The waters that had washed through the shrines—ruining carpets and leaving a thick...
Ireland's Catholic population grows, but percentage declinesCWN - 6 hours ago
Ireland’s Catholic population has reached its highest recorded level, but the percentage of Catholics in the country’s population has declined, the latest census figures show. The absolute number...
Congo: Church seeks help to find kidnapped priestsCWN - 6 hours ago
Church officials in the Democratic Republic of Congo have appealed to the public for prayers, and to the government for police action to secure the release of three priests who were kidnapped on...
Nuncio celebrates Mass at ancient Iraqi monastery, meets Shi’ite leaderCWN - 6 hours ago
Archbishop Giorgio Lingua, the apostolic nuncio in Iraq, celebrated Mass at an ancient monastery near the city of Najaf, and met with the influential Shi’ite leader, Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani. At...
Vatican II brought dramatic changes: Cardinal DanneelsCWN - 7 hours ago
Cardinal Godfried Danneels, the retired Archbishop of Brussels, emphasized the unique approach of Vatican II during a lecture in London. “Even though it is true that Vatican II is fully rooted...
Vancouver archdiocese plans massive outreach to lapsed CatholicsCWN - 7 hours ago
The Vancouver archdiocese is planning an ambitious campaign to draw lapsed Catholics back to the Church, planning to air thousands of television ads during the month of December. The Vancouver...
Diocese dissociates itself from Episcopal ChurchCWN - 16 hours ago
The Diocese of South Carolina, which comprises 70 Episcopal congregations in eastern South Carolina, has dissociated itself from the Episcopal Church.“For many years the diocese of South...
Tufts Christian group loses recognition: religious tenets ‘discriminatory’CWN - 16 hours ago
Tufts Christian Fellowship (TCF) has lost its official recognition because it requires its leaders to adhere to certain religious tenets—a stance that has been deemed discriminatory. The...
Cardinal's diary yields memories of talks with Blessed John XXIIICWN - 5 hours ago
The influential Italian Jesuit journal La Civilta Cattolica has published the diaries of Cardinal Roberto Tucci from the days of Vatican II, including his memories of conversations with Blessed John...
Nearly 20,000 attend religious freedom ralliesCWN - 16 hours ago
Over 18,000 people attended rallies on behalf of religious freedom nationwide on October 20, according to a preliminary tally conducted by Stand Up for Religious Freedom. Previous rallies in...
It's not just the economy, stupidCWN - 5 hours ago
For The Catholic Thing, Hadley Arkes reflects on the poverty of debate on important moral issues during this year’s American presidential campaign. In his famous speech at Cooper Union, Abraham...
Father Rutler on Pope Pius XIICWN - 16 hours ago
“An impressive number of works have been published recently” to present an accurate picture of Pope Pius XII’s actions during World War II, Father George Rutler observes. “To them I can only add...