Bishop Williamson on Putin and Russia Invasion (February 2017), RT and Catholicism, Cultural Marxism. interesting video about RUSSIA and FATIMA ...Bishop Williamson talks about Vladimir Putin, how the …More
Bishop Williamson on Putin and Russia Invasion (February 2017), RT and Catholicism, Cultural Marxism.

interesting video about RUSSIA and FATIMA ...Bishop Williamson talks about Vladimir Putin, how the consecration of Russia relates to Russian Orthodox Christianity, how Putin is resisting the New World Order, how “the Russian people are a godly people,” how western media is lying about Putin and his intentions, about how Putin might eventually react (in self defense) and invade and cut through Europe “like a knife through butter,” and sometime after these events, the Pope will finally (properly) consecrate Russia (www.youtube.com/watch). He talks about how Russia will eventually likely become Eastern Catholic (not Latin Catholic) and then revive religion in the West. He comments also on China invading. He describes how it is possible that the eventual revival of Catholicism in Russia and the seriousness of the Russians as opposed to the “stupid silly Westerners today” will cause the West once again to put Almighty God back on His throne. The full Bishop Williamson 2017 interview is here: www.youtube.com/watch Fr. Malachi Martin discusses how Russia and Kiev are part of the final solution to the world problems we are in (www.youtube.com/watch). A discussion on the Russia in light of the prophecies of Our Lady of Fatima and their conversion (www.youtube.com/watch). An Analysis of Russia: its past, its future, its future consecration and full conversion after God allows it to be an instrument of chastisement. About Vladimir Putin, his Christian faith, and his actions promoting Christian values in public life and among the populace. Church-approved Catholic prophecies about Russia for our times, including how it has been foretold that Russia will invade Europe and chastise corrupt Rome (www.youtube.com/watch). A very interesting video clip of Putin’s comments about the global “elite” (www.youtube.com/watch). A clip from the video “Putin: The West Has No Morals” (www.youtube.com/watch). A clip from a RT news video released on 2/15/17 which describes how a poll showed that 30% of right-wing and left-wing Germans trust Putin more than Merkel (www.youtube.com/watch). Full video: [was censored off YouTube] A clip from a RT news video released on 1/31/17 where it mentions the traditional Catholic newspaper The Remnant on a very interesting topic (www.youtube.com/watch). Full video: www.youtube.com/watch A clip from The Remnant’s 1/25/17 video where Michael Matt discusses the letter he sent to President Donald Trump (also mentioned in the RT broadcast) asking him to investigate the evidence that George Soros had a part to play in making sure Bergolio was considered the next Pope (www.youtube.com/watch). The famous truther Jeff C. and a guest (on 1/30/17) discuss and expose how Trump is connected to numerous highly shady groups and the cultural Marxism and divide and conquer agenda being pushed and scripted through Trump, the Soros-funded protests and organizations, the controlled media narrative, Hollywood and celebrities, the Mexican wall controversy, etc. (www.youtube.com/watch). They describe how most of these events and the media coverage are as staged as a WWF wrestling match. Authentic Christianity vs. Islam. How there is more divide now than ever in recent U.S. history. They discuss all the things that Trump should be doing if he was actually legit and good-willed and how the good he’s doing so far is all part of a divide and conquer agenda and narrative. The Illuminati card game. How David Icke serves the function of a gatekeeper and controlled opposition and his lizard people nonsense is done to try to discredit the whole truther movement. How they co-opt the information and add nonsense to try to brainwash people into thinking that all those seeking the truth are like David Icke and other controlled opposition gatekeepers (Alex Jones among them). How both the left and right are largely mind controlled and how the left is as moldable as silly putty. Jeff C. talks about how he is being censured on YouTube and people are informing him that they are being mysteriously automatically unsubscribed from his channels (www.youtube.com/watch). A clip from RT’s 2/24/17 CrossTalk episode where the host says the truth: “At the end of the day, the Deep State more or less has its control on these things and the rest of it is just theatrics” (www.youtube.com/watch). Next are clips from Jeff C. where he talks about how six corporations own 95% of the media and control the U.S. president, and how many of the controllers are satanists (www.youtube.com/watch). He talks about the evidence and common sense analysis showing that Donald Trump is controlled and is on board for the New World Order and that it is foolish to think that he’s going to truly oppose the NWO or help the common man long-term. Full video: www.youtube.com/watch