How do Muslims treat European women. " You have rejected Christ - in exchange Lucifer sent you his demons to fill the empty space ! "More
How do Muslims treat European women.

" You have rejected Christ - in exchange Lucifer sent you his demons to fill the empty space ! "
The German Chancellor Angela Merkel has also broken their oath since a long time, as their precursors - namely to avert disaster by the people and to protect it from damage ...in truth she and their political chums protects only the atheistic Constitution and the Islam adherents.
There is the same terrible problem with the Roman Officials, because they have swear an oath (!) on the German and European …More
The German Chancellor Angela Merkel has also broken their oath since a long time, as their precursors - namely to avert disaster by the people and to protect it from damage ...in truth she and their political chums protects only the atheistic Constitution and the Islam adherents.
There is the same terrible problem with the Roman Officials, because they have swear an oath (!) on the German and European Constitution that they will protect the atheistic European Constitution (!)- not the people.
The proof is that they have supported the construction of 3,000 mosques for turkish Islam adherents in Germany, and give them a double-citizenship, to vote Antichristian politicians of all parties.
Not enough, these politicians made even many Islam followers to their ministers to remove through them the crosses. How stupid do they think we are?
Have they really thought we would not protest?
It is the same act of war that have done the Nazi-regime.
The Hitler-Nazi regime was also very friendly with the Islam adherents. Therefore they are the same two enemies of Jesus Christ, the Christian believers and the Cross.
Both cry out for the so called "human rights", which includes the killing of millions of unborn children.
Alone in Germany they kill unpunished 1,000 unborn children per day.
Even the born children and adults are attacked from all sides, even from medical side and the atheistic school education.
Additional for decades, the Germans and the Europeans are now even murdered and raped by Islam adherents...!
The people everywhere in Europe have enough and stand up against all this evil machinations, and demonstrate against it.
Thank God for this great European movement for peace and justice, Amen.
Et spes nostra,salve
Verse (2:191) - The Quranic Arabic Corpus
Slay them wherever you may catch them and expel them from the place from which they expelled you. The sin of disbelief in God is greater than committing murder. Do not fight them in the vicinity of the Sacred Mosque in Mecca unless they start to fight. Then slay them for it is the recompense that the disbelievers deserve
Et spes nostra,salve
GEORGE AROKIA vor 18 Minuten
". Seeing this evil of Islam in Europe, in the Year of Mercy, Why Pope Francis is asking every European nations to open the boarders to these evils who are assaulting the white women? ..."

You have to ask yourself:
Francis is the pope or anti-pope chosen by Freemasonry?
GEORGE AROKIA vor 18 Minuten

". Seeing this evil of Islam in Europe, in the Year of Mercy, Why Pope Francis is asking every European nations to open the boarders to these evils who are assaulting the white women? ..."


You have to ask yourself:

Francis is the pope or anti-pope chosen by Freemasonry?
Seeing this evil of Islam in Europe, in the Year of Mercy, Why Pope Francis is asking every European nations to open the boarders to these evils who are assaulting the white women? Are the mercy be shown to the whites? What the pope is doing is foolish. Someone in the position should be wise enough, not blindly showing mercy to wolves... Look at Poland, Hungry, Czech, Slovenia and Finland they don't …More
Seeing this evil of Islam in Europe, in the Year of Mercy, Why Pope Francis is asking every European nations to open the boarders to these evils who are assaulting the white women? Are the mercy be shown to the whites? What the pope is doing is foolish. Someone in the position should be wise enough, not blindly showing mercy to wolves... Look at Poland, Hungry, Czech, Slovenia and Finland they don't have this problem, because they closed the boarders. The pope is wrong... as the Hungarian bishop said.
>>>Sweet Dream? Saudi Arabia Mulls Removing Syria’s Assad by Force
Saudi Arabian foreign minister Adel al-Jubeir has warned that if the Syrian political process fails, President Bashar Assad will have to be removed "by force."
"We will push as much as we can to ensure that the political process works. But if it doesn't work, it will be because of the obstinacy of the Syrian regime and that of its …More
>>>Sweet Dream? Saudi Arabia Mulls Removing Syria’s Assad by Force
Saudi Arabian foreign minister Adel al-Jubeir has warned that if the Syrian political process fails, President Bashar Assad will have to be removed "by force."

"We will push as much as we can to ensure that the political process works. But if it doesn't work, it will be because of the obstinacy of the Syrian regime and that of its allies," Adel al-Jubeir told CNN.
"And should that prove to be the case, then it becomes clear that there is no option to remove Bashar al-Assad except by force," he added.
Last week Saudi Arabia said it was prepared to contribute ground troops to the fight in Syria, following a similar statement by the United Arab Emirates.
Meanwhile, a senior Syrian opposition representative said that the country had enough people ready to fight for democracy and did not need any outside help.
“We really have more than enough people ready to fight for democracy out there, and we need no outside help,” Salem Meslet, a representative of the opposition High Negotiations Committee, told Sputnik on Saturday when commenting on some Arab nations’ stated readiness to deploy their ground forces in Syria.
He added that the situation could change if Russia or Iran decided to send their ground forces to fight alongside the army of Syrian President Bashar Assad:

Turkish soldiers patrol near the border with Syria, outside the village of Elbeyli, east of the town of Kilis, southeastern Turkey
Damascus Calls Turkey's Shelling of Syria 'Direct Support of Terrorists':
We must pray that God bless and strengthen the Syrian and the Russian president, their soldiers and their allies against the enemies of peace and justice.
That is the sad result when parents deliver their children to paid "theologians and religious education scholars", instead to be the light and salt of the earth, teaching the authentic Christian faith.
The state schools let the children in the belief that they are descended from monkeys, instead that God created us in His Image.
It is not enough if parents - and mostly with sodomite and lawless …More
That is the sad result when parents deliver their children to paid "theologians and religious education scholars", instead to be the light and salt of the earth, teaching the authentic Christian faith.
The state schools let the children in the belief that they are descended from monkeys, instead that God created us in His Image.
It is not enough if parents - and mostly with sodomite and lawless attitude "teachers"- believe in Jesus Christ, if they do not believe w h a t He says - and d o not what He and the Apostles say.
Et spes nostra,salve
Muslims raping young Christian - video cda.pl
Muslims raping young Christian - video cda.pl

Women: Carry pepper spray and blast away. You have a God-given right to protect yourself.
Outcome from rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ.
Isaiah 1:7 Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire: your land, strangers devour it in your presence, and it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers.
Et spes nostra,salve
Migrant Crisis Europe Getting What It Deserves With Muslim Invasion Says O'Reilly

Migrant Crisis Europe Getting What It Deserves With Muslim Invasion Says O'Reilly