Overview 1 - The life and writings of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta (excerpts cited from the doctoral dissertation, bearing the seals of approval of the Pontifical University of Rome) • Luisa, in obedience to ecclesial authority, begins write (February 28, 1899) • The Christmas Novena (1882) • 36 Volumes (February 28, 1899 - December 28, 1938) • The Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus …More
Overview 1 - The life and writings of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta (excerpts cited from the doctoral dissertation, bearing the seals of approval of the Pontifical University of Rome) • Luisa, in obedience to ecclesial authority, begins write (February 28, 1899) • The Christmas Novena (1882) • 36 Volumes (February 28, 1899 - December 28, 1938) • The Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ (1913-1914) • Published letters (August 8, 1914 - April 4, 1946) • Twenty-one published letters from St. Hannibal to Luisa (May 20, 1924 to May 5, 1927). • Notebook of Childhood Memories (completed July 15, 1926) • The Blessed Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will (completed May 6, 1930) • The Pious Pilgrimage of the Soul in the Divine Will (popularly referred to as The Rounds) 2. Public and Private Revelation (CCC 66; Card. Joseph Ratzinger) Luisa’s prophetic revelations 3. The Divine Will in God and in Creation 4. The operation of the Divine Will in the human soul before Original Sin 5. The propensity of the human soul in the eternal Word of God, the firstborn of all creatures (Jn. 1,1-3; Col. 1,17; Col. 1,15; Heb. 1,3; Phil. 2,6-11), and the beginning of all creation (Col. 1,15; Rev 3,14) • The eternal influence of Christ’s humanity • Theandric acts 6. The human soul’s impairment after Original Sin (Athanasius, Basil, Pseudo-Didymus, Ambrose, Ambrosiaster, Chrysostom, Augustine and Aquinas; Council of Trent; CCC 402-412) • The operation of the Divine Will in the human will after Original Sin, Christ’s work of Redemption and his sending forth of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-4; Jn. 16:12) • The seven Sacraments, the Holy Spirit’s seven gifts and the Christian virtues • The human will’s propensity to expand, sanctify and cooperate with the Divine Will • The traditional modes of prayer and action: purgation, illumination and unification • Divinization and eastern monasticism 7. The third Christian Millennium of unifications and a New Pentecost (Ss. Pope John XXIII and John Paul II) • God’s multiform gifts reserved for and actualized in the End Times • The human will’s operation in the new and eternal mode of prayer and action • Divinization and the gift of Living in the Divine Will • Created and uncreated grace • Jesus’ Real Presence and Real Life • The human will’s timeless and universal influence • The four fundamental prayers in the Divine Will: the Prevenient Act, the Actual Act, the Rounds and the meditation on Jesus’ Passion • The restoration of prelapsarian holiness • 5.2.6 Increased accidental glory of the angels and saints • 5.2.7 The new hierarchy in heaven formed by the Blessed Virgin Mary • The individual and universal reign of the Divine Will on earth: fulfillment of the Pater Noster 8. Practical steps to living in the Divine Will • Admitting • Advancing • Anchoring • Actualizing 9. The Era of Peace 10. The Final Coming of Christ
Thanks Fr. lannuzzi
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Lessons on Divine Will Spirituality: Sacred
Scripture, Sacred Tradition, the
Magisterium and the Catholic Catechis
clarify and verify the Prophetic
Revelations of the Servant of God Luisa