Christmas Carol: "Rainha muito ilustre" More on the CHRISTMAS page of "Luzes de Esperança" Lyrics: Most illustrious queen and mother of Jesus Christ, God and man together, mother inviolate. Angels …Más
Christmas Carol: "Rainha muito ilustre"

More on the CHRISTMAS page of "Luzes de Esperança"

Lyrics: Most illustrious queen
and mother of Jesus Christ,
God and man together,
mother inviolate.

Angels descended from heaven
with singular joy
and offered you himns of praise,
Holy Virgin Mary.Original (ancient spanish): Reina muy esclarecida
y madre de Jesucristo,
Dios y Hombre, todo mixto,
virgen después de parida.

Con singular alegría
los ángeles descendieron.
Alabanzas te ofrecieron,
sagrada Virgen María.

Original: "Reyna muy esclarecida". Author: Juan de Anchieta (Azpeitia, Guipuzcoa 1462-1523).
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