Gay ‘Marriage’ in High Demand?

Gay ‘Marriage’ in High Demand? Not According to the U.S. Census

October 5, 2011 ( - The pressure to redefine marriage to include same-sex couples keeps increasing.

The impression is given that thousands upon thousands of gays and lesbians are unable to do the one thing they want to do more than anything else: That is, have a wedding.

As if to prove the point, the US Census Bureau announced that it would be counting same-sex households in the 2010 Census.

In August the Bureau announced that there are nearly a million. I was surprised by the small number.

But this past week, they reduced their estimate of same sex couple households by nearly thirty percent.

In fact, it turns out that there are fewer than 650,000. That’s about six tenths of one percent of total US households.

Gays and lesbians don’t want marriage; they want their sexual choices affirmed as normal and moral.

And that’s what’s behind the blacklisting, boycotting, and suing anybody who even questions homosexuality.

They don’t want anyone telling them that how they live is morally problematic. Gays are actively trying to destroy marriage and will take away our freedom of speech and religion in order to do it.

Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary