The most insidious diabolical attack consists in trying to extinguish faith in the Eucharist, sowing errors and favoring an unsuitable manner of receiving it. —Cardinal Robert Sarah
Credo .
@Ralph Alexander Michael Curtis. 🤔 And a heap of false apparitions!
Ralph Alexander Michael Curtis
Vatican II replaced the Roman Catholic Faith with a phony religion and these people defend this false faith.
I love this bishop!
Denis Efimov
You can't argue here. Particular manifestations of the attacks on the Holy Eucharist are also the permission of the sacrilege (Communion of unrepentant adulterers) and the declaration that faith alone is sufficient to receive the Body of Christ.
And on the example of archbishop Geremias Steinmetz, we see that the Most Holy Sacrament is given even to infidels. Before that, as far as I remember, it …More
You can't argue here. Particular manifestations of the attacks on the Holy Eucharist are also the permission of the sacrilege (Communion of unrepentant adulterers) and the declaration that faith alone is sufficient to receive the Body of Christ.

And on the example of archbishop Geremias Steinmetz, we see that the Most Holy Sacrament is given even to infidels. Before that, as far as I remember, it was customary for them to periodically Communion only heretics and schismatics. Now the "progress of knowledge" and the "progress of moral consciousness" are evident.

Robert Cardinal Sarah is right. These are all links in the same chain.