

St. Hannibal Maria di Francia
wrote: “Our Lord, who from century to century increases more and more the wonders of His Love, it seems that of this virgin, whom He calls the smallest that He found on earth, devoid of all instruction, has wanted to make an ideal instrument for such a sublime mission, that no other can compare to it, that is, THE TRIUMPH OF THE DIVINE WILL in the universe, according to what we say in the Our Father: FIAT VOLUNTAS TUA, SICUT IN CŒLO ET IN TERRA ”.

Whoever Luisa Piccarreta is and what her mission is, says the name or title with which Jesus called her and how she often signed, it is written on the tombstone of her grave, in the parish church of Santa María Greca, in Corato:

With permission from the Congregation of the Holy Office, in 1963 she was buried in the church of S. Maria Greca, in Corato.

Alfredo Ottaviani (29 October 1890 – 3 August 1979) was an Italian cardinal of the Catholic Church. Pope Pius XII named him cardinal in 1953. He served as secretary of the Holy Office in the Roman Curia from 1959 to 1966
(The real)Sister Lucy said the Blessed Virgin said the last things God will give to the world for salvation are Her Immaculate Heart and the Rosary. Other (heretical) works are among other things a diversion from the weapons given to us by God for these times.
The Divine Will was given to Adam, the first thing. Our Lord promises to return this in the Parter Noster.
May 1990 – Jose Luis Acuna, in a private audience with Cardinal Ratzinger, said some of the books published by the Father Annibale di Francia, whom His Holiness was going to Beatify, had been “condemned.” Therefore, the Cardinal had to investigate this matter personally, whether there was an error or not, and the result was that Fr. Annibale was Beatified with no hindrance. Not only this, but His …More
May 1990 – Jose Luis Acuna, in a private audience with Cardinal Ratzinger, said some of the books published by the Father Annibale di Francia, whom His Holiness was going to Beatify, had been “condemned.” Therefore, the Cardinal had to investigate this matter personally, whether there was an error or not, and the result was that Fr. Annibale was Beatified with no hindrance. Not only this, but His Eminence said in private to Monsignor Ricardo Guizar, who was then our Bishop of Atlacomulco, Mexico, that:

“All of the Writings of Luisa must be approved” – Cardinal Ratzinger

“When the Cause for Beatification and Canonization of Luisa Piccarreta was officially proposed, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, at that time the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, nullified the previous condemnations of the Index, thereby removing the impediment to her Cause. Thus on the Feast of Christ the King, Sunday November 20, 1994, the process for the Cause of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, was finally opened. And most recently, the second theologian assigned to evaluate the writings of Luisa Piccarreta by the Vatican Congregation for the Causes of the Saints has given a positive, that is, a favorable judgement. This means that both of the official censors librorum for the Cause of Luisa have found nothing contrary to the faith in her writings, and her Cause can now go forward.” – Padre Bernardino Bucci, OFM

Pope Benedict XVI
Luisa Piccarreta was a heretic. Live Mike covered this very well in 2021; Exposing the Errors & Problems of the Cult of Luis…
Giveusthisday. The only thing of any substance, is that 3 of the 39 books of Luisa where placed on the index. 1. The watch of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Chist, with a Treatise on the Divine Will
2. In the kingdom of the Divine Will
3. The Queen of Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will
This was because Luisa’s confessor, in a well meaning enterprise changed the words in these three volumes. …More
Giveusthisday. The only thing of any substance, is that 3 of the 39 books of Luisa where placed on the index. 1. The watch of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Chist, with a Treatise on the Divine Will

2. In the kingdom of the Divine Will

3. The Queen of Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will

This was because Luisa’s confessor, in a well meaning enterprise changed the words in these three volumes.

This new to us (but not to Adam) because we don’t have a precise knowledge of what was given before the Fall. But understand not new to mankind. “There is nothing new under the sun”.

Think how different everything would be if the Fall didn’t happen. Adam was made for pre fall conditions.

So if God being God wants to restore what the Holy Trinity had already gifted to mankind, has not God the power to restore this. Was Our Lady not created exempt from all the wreckage?

Imagine the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary to bring about the Divine promise in the Parter Noster “ Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven” exactly how it was before the Fall.
St. Hannibal Maria di Francia Also Spiritual director of Melanie of La Sallette, this Saint knew Our Lady’s message better than anyone!!!…Annibale-Maria-Di-Francia-and-Luisa-Piccarreta.pdf
St. Hannibal Maria di FranciaMore
St. Hannibal Maria di Francia Also Spiritual director of Melanie of La Sallette, this Saint knew Our Lady’s message better than anyone!!!…Annibale-Maria-Di-Francia-and-Luisa-Piccarreta.pdf

St. Hannibal Maria di Francia
Father John Miller, I assure you of my poor prayers. Fiat!
Dear Father Jonn, opinion we agree is worth nothing.
Here is three Traditional Priests with educational rigour not found these days. All know well the arguments raised against SOG Luisa Piccarretta’s (1st Grade education) writings. Namely not just doing the Holy Will of God but living in the Holy Will of God. For all the superficial difficulties this raises it is what you pray a minimum of 7 times …More
Dear Father Jonn, opinion we agree is worth nothing.
Here is three Traditional Priests with educational rigour not found these days. All know well the arguments raised against SOG Luisa Piccarretta’s (1st Grade education) writings. Namely not just doing the Holy Will of God but living in the Holy Will of God. For all the superficial difficulties this raises it is what you pray a minimum of 7 times every day in the Parter Noster. Luisa Piccarreta - Testimonies

1. Pater Beda Ludwig O.S.B.
Gemma Galgani eine Passionsblume des 20. Jahrhunderts

Pater Beda Ludwig O.S.B.

2. Dr. Fr. Domenico Franzé / Medical Surgeon / Prof. of Physiology and Missionary Medicine – International Antonianum Pontifical University – Associate Emeritus of the Pontifical Academy of Rome, of M.I.

3. Personal friend of Pope Pius X. Same Pope gave permission for daily Mass in SOG Luisa’s room. Bed bound for 64 years and lived only on the Blessed Sacrament.

Foundation of Two Congregations

But who could Annibale share this discovery with?

Where could he find women with a motherly instinct for abandoned children, women who would work for the Church? Where could he find women whose lives of prayer would obtain from God’s heart apostles to proclaim the Gospel?

Captivated by Fr Annibale’s untiring service in the infamous Avignone area of Messina, a number of young women, moved by love of God, resolved to serve the downcast and to tirelessly implore God for workers for the harvest. Hence the Daughters of Divine Zeal congregation was born with Madre Maria Nazarena Majone as co-foundress.

The name “Daughter of Divine Zeal” (FDZ) expresses the ardent love (zeal) of Christ when “seeing the crowds he was filled with compassion, for they were harassed and helpless like sheep without a shepherd” (Mt 9:36).

With this name Fr Annibale encapsulated the ideal and the mission of each FDZ and of the whole Institute.

Fr Annibale also founded the Rogationist Fathers, entrusting both congregations with the mission to pray, to spread prayer for vocations and to be good workers themselves first of all.

On 01 June 1927, Fr Annibale died in Messina, Italy.
2 more comments from Scapular
SOG Servant of God! What date and context is this statement?
This 3rd Fiat has to come through the Priesthood.
We are at the cusp of a new period of perfection.
Adam and Eve had it perfect. Did their own Will and lost it.
Old Testament Priesthood was a shadow of what we have today.
Put yourself in the shoes of the Jews in the year 29!
Will you take the Pharisaicapproach or the Essenes?
Of course …More
SOG Servant of God! What date and context is this statement?
This 3rd Fiat has to come through the Priesthood.
We are at the cusp of a new period of perfection.
Adam and Eve had it perfect. Did their own Will and lost it.
Old Testament Priesthood was a shadow of what we have today.

Put yourself in the shoes of the Jews in the year 29!

Will you take the Pharisaicapproach or the Essenes?

Of course will take the Essenes (and embrace the development of Truth) approach and embrace Catholicism.

As we complete the circle of perfection we learn from the Essenes and not those who still don’t embrace the one true Faith.

Thy kingdom come Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

All in Heaven live in the Divine Will.
Fr Jonn, Fr Celso clarifies an important point you raised. Fiat
Role of The Priest in The Divine Will – Fiat Radio
Another faustina!
SOG - With permission from the Congregation of the Holy Office, in 1963 she was buried in the church of S. Maria Greca, in Corato.
Alfredo Ottaviani (29 October 1890 – 3 August 1979) was an Italian cardinal of the Catholic Church. Pope Pius XII named him cardinal in 1953. He served as secretary of the Holy Office in the Roman Curia from 1959 to 1966More
SOG - With permission from the Congregation of the Holy Office, in 1963 she was buried in the church of S. Maria Greca, in Corato.

Alfredo Ottaviani (29 October 1890 – 3 August 1979) was an Italian cardinal of the Catholic Church. Pope Pius XII named him cardinal in 1953. He served as secretary of the Holy Office in the Roman Curia from 1959 to 1966
SOG Servant of God! What date and context is this statement?
This 3rd Fiat has to come through the Priesthood.
We are at the cusp of a new period of perfection.
Adam and Eve had it perfect. Did their own Will and lost it.
Old Testament Priesthood was a shadow of what we have today.
Put yourself in the shoes of the Jews in the year 29!
Will you take the Pharisaic approach or the Essenes?
Of course …More
SOG Servant of God! What date and context is this statement?
This 3rd Fiat has to come through the Priesthood.
We are at the cusp of a new period of perfection.
Adam and Eve had it perfect. Did their own Will and lost it.
Old Testament Priesthood was a shadow of what we have today.

Put yourself in the shoes of the Jews in the year 29!

Will you take the Pharisaic approach or the Essenes?

Of course will take the Essenes (and embrace the development of Truth) approach and embrace Catholicism.

As we complete the circle of perfection we learn from the Essenes and not those who still don’t embrace the one true Faith.

Thy kingdom come Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

All in Heaven live in the Divine Will.