St. John of Damascus Condemned Ortho-Paganism Centuries Before Palamism It's not a coincidence that St. John of Damascus said the following about Greek pagans, when considering that the Eastern "Orthodox …More
St. John of Damascus Condemned Ortho-Paganism Centuries Before Palamism

It's not a coincidence that St. John of Damascus said the following about Greek pagans, when considering that the Eastern "Orthodox" official doctrine of Palamism inevitably attempts to reduce God into parts (blasphemy), which quite literally makes the Greek "Orthodox" & other sects of "Orthodoxy" in every sense of the term 'Ortho-Pagans':

“... having no beginning and no end, for never was the Father ever lacking in the Word, nor the Word in the Spirit. Thus, because of the unity in nature, the error of the Greeks in holding that God is many is utterly destroyed. (St. John of Damascus, Exposition on the Orthodox Faith)

For accurate proof that the "Orthodox" have a polytheistic view of God & more, see the video:

Eastern "Orthodoxy" Exposed: Their Heretical Doctrine Of God