Nov. 5 Feast of All Jesuit Saints and Blesseds. apostleshipofprayer on Nov 4, 2010 Reflection for 11/5More
Nov. 5 Feast of All Jesuit Saints and Blesseds.

apostleshipofprayer on Nov 4, 2010 Reflection for 11/5
There are dozens of Jesuit saints and many more named blessed, not to mention the many unofficial saints—men and women—who have lived Ignatian values in inspirational ways. We remember these Ignatian holy people in a special way on All Saints Day, All Souls Day, and the feast of All Saints and Blessed of the Society of Jesus (November 5). ignatianspirituality.com/ignatian-voices/all-saints-day
Nov. 5 Feast of all Jesuit Saints and Blesseds