Se tu inflamas - Toca de Assis. A video by the order Toca de Assis in Brazil. They are known as the Sons and Daughters of the Blessed Sacrament Poverty. In their constitution, it states: In Our …More
Se tu inflamas - Toca de Assis.

A video by the order Toca de Assis in Brazil. They are known as the Sons and Daughters of the Blessed Sacrament Poverty. In their constitution, it states: In Our constitution reads: "Loving the Church of God for the perpetual adoration of the Blessed Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, your beloved and dear Husband" and "Love for the Church of God, seeking in the Mystical Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ, your beloved and beloved husband, relieve their suffering in the suffering poor of the street "(5.2). As a result, our joy is to see Jesus in the poor loved and adored in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, for both in our homes have the grace of the Lord's real presence in our chapels, where we have perpetual adoration, and we also have the joy we lived with the poor, living with them a healthy fellowship, thus forming a large family. We at our institute with the delivery of young people who heard God's call and willing to surrender to Him in living the evangelical counsels of chastity, poverty and obedience, they said yes to God and came to be part of this family. In our day to day, we worship the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar and the care of the suffering of the street into our homes, we also notice the shifting of the Holy Gospel, the mystery of the Eucharist and love to the suffering of the street in days of praise in pastoral street, and also the Rosary Mission, from city to city, currently headed by the Male and houses of contemplative life in which religious women indulge in the life of worship by the priests of the Church of God in the Female Institute. Why are we Called Children (as) Poverty of the Blessed Sacrament? Children (as): Because we are born of the worship of our Lord Jesus Christ, His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Poverty: Because we find the poverty of the Son of God on the altar of our joy of being poor and serve him for life and worship in his presence in the poor and abandoned street sufferers. The Blessed Sacrament: Why Him, with Him and to Him we spend our life for His beloved and beloved wife, the holy Church of God. Please visit their website at:www.tocadeassis.org.br