holyrope 3
Pope Pius XII attends a gathering of American Bishops at the Pontifical North American College, in … View of the Janiculum campus of the Pontifical North American College, Rome, Italy. Francis Cardinal …More
Pope Pius XII attends a gathering of American Bishops at the Pontifical North American College, in …

View of the Janiculum campus of the Pontifical North American College, Rome, Italy. Francis Cardinal Spellman, of New York, stepping from a car accompanied by Bishops. Other American Bishops arriving. Pope Pius XII arriving with entourage of officials and Vatican guards. The Pope enters a sanctuary and proceeds down an aisle to the altar, where he prays momentarily, then turns around and blesses those in attendance. Views from high above in rear of church. Group of young priests kneel at the altar. The Pope and entourage proceed down the halls of the College. Cardinals and Bishops mingle with one another and with priests and nuns, some of whom stoop to kiss Cardinal Spellman's ring. Pope Pius XII continues his walk along the halls, blessing those around as he passes. Vatican guard salutes as the Pope departs in a car.