Irish Saint Valentine's statue hears lovers' wishes. AFP. The remains of the original Saint Valentine, patron saint of lovers, have been kept in the Carmelite Whitefriars Street church in Dublin since …More
Irish Saint Valentine's statue hears lovers' wishes.

AFP. The remains of the original Saint Valentine, patron saint of lovers, have been kept in the Carmelite Whitefriars Street church in Dublin since the early 19th century, when a charismatic Irish priest brought them back from Rome as a gift from the pope. They then fell into oblivion until the 1950s when the church erected a statue and a shrine where Dubliners and visitors seek the saint's assistance for their love life.
When he was close on forty years old, Fr. Spratt visited Rome
for health reasons and on matters of business. His journey lay
through Liverpool, London, Brussels, Cologne and Milan. He
arrived in Rome on December 15th, 1835. During his stay he was
invited to preach in the principal church of the Jesuits on February
28th, 1836 and was conveyed there in the carriage of Cardinal
Weld, who was Pope Gregory XV1's adviser on affairs in Ireland
and England. He left Rome shortly after April 8th and visited
Loreto, Paris and London on the return journey. He obtained the
body of St. Valentine., a third century martyr, which was
transferred from the cemetery of St. Hippolitus in Rome to Dublin
later in the year. It was brought to Whitefriar Street on the morning
of November 10th, 1836 and laid on a special elevation in the
sanctuary during the High Mass at which Dr. Murray presided and
Fr. Spratt preached.