Pope at Mass: When conversion touches pockets, it's a certainty. Conversion is a grace, "it is a visit from God" said Pope Francis at Tuesday morning Mass in Casa Santa Marta. The Pope based his …More
Pope at Mass: When conversion touches pockets, it's a certainty.

Conversion is a grace, "it is a visit from God" said Pope Francis at Tuesday morning Mass in Casa Santa Marta. The Pope based his reflections on the Readings of the Day taken from Revelation Chapter 3 and the Gospel according to St. Luke on the encounter between Jesus and Zacchaeus the tax collector. In the first reading, he noted, the Lord asks Christians in Laodicea to convert because they have become "lukewarm". They live a "comfortable spirituality". This "state of mind - he warned - is a state of sin”. The second call to conversion is to "those who live by appearances", who believe they are alive but are dead. The Lord asks them to be vigilant, to convert from appearances to reality. The third c ...