Still Proud Of Bishops He Gave U.S

Photo ~ Pope Paul VI and Archbishop Jean Jadot - undated

Still Proud Of Bishops He Gave U.S
From The Wanderer, September 26, 2002

Archbishop Jean Jadot, Pope Paul VI's apostolic delegate to the United States from 1973-1980, has no regrets about the spate of bad bishops he inflicted on the Catholics of this country.

And, if veteran Vatican reporter Robert Blair Kaiser, who recently interviewed Jadot at his home in Belgium, can be believed, Jadot is still proud of some of his most notorious picks, such as Bishop Walter Sullivan of Richmond, Va., Archbishop Jean Jadot, Pope Paul VI's apostolic delegate to the United States from 1973-1980, has no regrets about the spate of bad bishops he infficted on the Catholics of this country.

And, if veteran Vatican reporter Robert Blair Kaiser, who recently interviewed Jadot at his home in Belgium, can be believed, Jadot is still proud of some of his most notorious picks, such as Bishop Walter Sullivan of Richmond, Va., Archbishop Rembert Weakiand of Milwaukee, and Roger Cardinal Mahony of Los Angeles - to name but a few, many of whom are known more for their advocacy of homosexual rights, their protection of pederast priests, and their conunitment to modernism than to their commitment to the Church's doctrines.

Other men who became bishops during Jadot's tenure in the United States include Rochester Bishop Matthew Clark; Albany's Howard Hubbard; former Santa Fe Archbishop Roberto Sanchez, who resigned in a sex scandal; former San Jose Bishop Pierre DuMaine; former Honolulu Bishop Joseph Ferrario; San Antonio Archbishop Patrick Flores; former Newark Archbishop Peter Gerety; Joliet, Ill., Bishop Joseph Imesch; Louisille Archbishop Thomas C. Kelly, O.P., a former staffer at the apostolic nuncio under Jadot; Bernard Cardinal Law of Boston (whom Jadot selected as bishop for Springfield-Cape Girardeau, Mo.), Cincinnati Archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk; Saginaw, Mich., Bishop Kenneth Untener - to name a few more - all of whom, supposedly, mirrored his own progressive image as a "man of the people."

Each of these prelates has been a strong advocate of the pro-homosexual agenda in the U.S. Church, ordaining homosexuals, imposing pro-homosexual education on Catholic schools, aiding and abetting special rights legislation in the civil realm for homosexuals, and giving free rein to homosexuals and lesbians in religious orders which operated schools, universities, parishes, seminaries, and retreat houses in their dioceses and archdioceses.

Still Proud of Bishops He Gave U.S.
You have got to be kidding me! These "shepherds" that the conciliar Church are so proud of have done more damage to Christ's Church than any Free Mason, Socialist, or heretic could conspire. Let's be honest: if Our Lord came down to earth and asked his shepherds how they have defended His Church could they honestly give Him an accounting they could be proud of?
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
Comments on Archbishop Jean Jadot's passing in January of 2009:
What has Jadot's cabal hath wrought upon American Catholics? Here's an example taken from the Diocese of Rochester's own website.
When Bishop Clark was ordained Bishop of Rochester in 1979, there were 358,850 Catholics in the diocese, 161 parishes, all with resident pastors, 29 mission churches, 311 active diocesan priests and 75 parish …
Comments on Archbishop Jean Jadot's passing in January of 2009:

What has Jadot's cabal hath wrought upon American Catholics? Here's an example taken from the Diocese of Rochester's own website.

When Bishop Clark was ordained Bishop of Rochester in 1979, there were 358,850 Catholics in the diocese, 161 parishes, all with resident pastors, 29 mission churches, 311 active diocesan priests and 75 parish schools.

Fast forward to the present day, 2009, there are approximately 340,000 Catholics, 129 parishes, 135 priests, 27 diocesan schools and 7 high schools that are independent.

This was not shepherding by Bishop Clark, this was a dismantling! Thanks Cardinal Jadot!
by rochester_veteran

Jadot did perhaps more than any other single individual to boost church attendance in the U.S. He boosted attendance at the Assemblies of God, the Southern Baptists, the PCA, the LCMS, the non-denominational Bible church down the street Campion

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