The Quran is not the Quran Certainly than tired to correct a text made of various additions, whose they didn't know well the language, the abbasid scribes had the idea of dispelling the contradictions …More
The Quran is not the Quran

Certainly than tired to correct a text made of various additions, whose they didn't know well the language, the abbasid scribes had the idea of dispelling the contradictions of Quran in inventing the principle of repeal, (Quran 2.106 ; 16.101) according than some verses which repeal others, without saying, of course, which ... But in doing so, they showed that the Koran is not the perfect word, and then immutable (Quran 33.62 ; 35.43 ; 48.23 ; 85.22). The text of Koran changed, proof is done that it is not then the word eternal, and also after the repeal by which it has begun to exist. Thus, before or after the repeal, the Koran like being the eternal word of Allah doesn't exist. Who can come after the Christ if not the antichrist?