Churches of Rome: Saint Lawrence in Panisperna — Feria Quinta post Dominicam Primam in Quadragesima — Statio ad S. Laurentium — Support the work of Crux Stationalis by becoming a Patron at Crux …More
Churches of Rome: Saint Lawrence in Panisperna

— Feria Quinta post Dominicam Primam in Quadragesima — Statio ad S. Laurentium —

Support the work of Crux Stationalis by becoming a Patron at Crux Stationalis: Jacob Stein | Patreon

LA BASILICA DI San Lorenzo in Panisperna, ROMA

In 2021 for Lent, Jacob Stein created Crux Stationalis as a social media apostolate to share a very particular tradition from the Eternal City. Every year for Lent, the Diocese of Rome organizes a pilgrimage itinerary, a tradition that goes back to Pope Saint Gregory the Great. The pilgrimage consists of going from one Roman Station Church to the next for every day of Lent and Easter Week. The devotion is particularly centered around devotion to the early Christian martyrs — and the pilgrimage route is primarily based on the desire to visit the tombs of the martyrs. It is where the tradition of the Litany of the Saints comes from.

Crux Stationalis is a Latin term meaning “Station Cross.” Centuries ago, the different neighborhoods of Rome would gather behind their own particular processional Cross, a Crux Stationalis, and the procession would begin from one church and, with the Pope and clergy of Rome, would proceed to the Roman Station Church for that particular day of Lent.

Jacob at Crux Stationalis creates a video every day for each Roman Station Church (youtube.com/channel/UCz7lOHRSsZiDBig_2jFZGDw), and he goes live and creates beautiful short video reels for his 125,000 followers on Instagram. Social media allows Catholics from around the world to participate in some way in this local tradition of the Church of Rome. He posts photos at Crux Stationalis and you can find him on Facebook and Instagram at @cruxstationalis .