U S Spacy
We have to be aware of hero worship no matter who the hero is.
Having said that:
I am so happy and beaming with pride that Agnes Chow has chosen to live in my adopted city of Toronto. I hope my children can see her as an example to follow on standing up for your conscience and protecting your God given freedom. I hope we can protect her and shut down illegal clandestine CCP police stations in Canada …More
We have to be aware of hero worship no matter who the hero is.
Having said that:
I am so happy and beaming with pride that Agnes Chow has chosen to live in my adopted city of Toronto. I hope my children can see her as an example to follow on standing up for your conscience and protecting your God given freedom. I hope we can protect her and shut down illegal clandestine CCP police stations in Canada. I hope she can see with her own eyes the demise of the CCP she fought against with such personal cost. Do not we receive hundreds of thousands of refugees each year? If any one has a valid claim it is her. She already was 10 months in prision, unfairly, should she go back and potentially submit to more? I hope we do not fail her this time like we failed Hong Kong in 2019.
No more hero worship :)

Catholic Hong Kong activist defies Communist China, breaks bail to remain in Canada - LifeSite

Tue Dec 5, 2023 - 3:50 pm ESTTue Dec 5, 2023 - 5:00 pm EST HONG KONG (LifeSiteNews) – A young Catholic …