Prorok Antikrista - generál a iluminát Albert Pike
Zuzana Schlosserova shares this
Marie Madeleine
Mélanie Calvat (La Salette) said Taxil - real Satan, Pike same thing, and said: "Diana Vaughan is alive". Diana Vaughan converted to catholicism due to Joan of Ark, and told some stories about Pike, Taxil, Lucifer and all the demons that were pocessing her and all of them at that time, and a lot of high ranking luciferian woman... and about Sophia Walder, the false virgin... Sophia Walder who is …More
Mélanie Calvat (La Salette) said Taxil - real Satan, Pike same thing, and said: "Diana Vaughan is alive". Diana Vaughan converted to catholicism due to Joan of Ark, and told some stories about Pike, Taxil, Lucifer and all the demons that were pocessing her and all of them at that time, and a lot of high ranking luciferian woman... and about Sophia Walder, the false virgin... Sophia Walder who is the antichrist's great grandmother... ------ Those people think that Satan is separate to Lucifer, they know from Lucifer that Satan will loose, they do not know that Lucifer is Satan.... All lies coming from the prince of lies. The have burned all the Bibles, so they will never know that truth!
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May I ask the sequel (?) to La Salette ?
Christmas 1962, Rev. P Andre Rdopa ( Ardopa ?)
I immediately began to pray, thinking crazy that the message of La Salette, given to Melanie in 1846, was not understood, and that many souls were left on the road to eternal perdition because it was not understood.
I have been begging Our Lady over and over again from the bottom of my heart to give her an …More
May I ask the sequel (?) to La Salette ?
Christmas 1962, Rev. P Andre Rdopa ( Ardopa ?)

I immediately began to pray, thinking crazy that the message of La Salette, given to Melanie in 1846, was not understood, and that many souls were left on the road to eternal perdition because it was not understood.

I have been begging Our Lady over and over again from the bottom of my heart to give her an explanation that will one day make known what has already been realized and what is to be realized from now on.

In response to my request on September 9, 1962, Our Lady designated a specific date and time for the explanation.

This happened at 3 o'clock on the 4th of November, when Our Lady gave a gracious answer to my question.

This happened. The moment of the giant eucharist, the outflow of the Precious Blood appeared on the three hoschias in front of 25 people.

In this way, may Our Lady appeal to the hearts of her children so that it is not too late in these perilous times.

It is noteworthy that while emphasizing the great message of LaSallet, Our Lady wants us to understand that important warning at Fatima, which is a reflection of the warning given at LaSallet. Our Lady did all this at a time when many priests thought they had succeeded in decisively burying this message.

The eternal salvation of tens of millions of souls depends on a proper understanding of these messages.

This very fact may endanger my own eternal salvation, so I entrust this message to the priests of the Second Vatican Council, who hold the fate of mankind. (English Translate)
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Longtime ago, a Korean priest (passed away) translated it. I can not find that Q&A version of La Salette in French.
Marie Madeleine
(I have been trying to send multiple times... don't know why it is not working) - the following is in French, please translate with google. I will be sending pictures separately, I did not underligned the texte in the pictures...).
"[Sept ans moins neuf jours avant le Troisième Coup de Canon [...] naîtra une certaine fille [...]] On sait par des révélations multipliées que le Troisième …More
(I have been trying to send multiple times... don't know why it is not working) - the following is in French, please translate with google. I will be sending pictures separately, I did not underligned the texte in the pictures...).

"[Sept ans moins neuf jours avant le Troisième Coup de Canon [...] naîtra une certaine fille [...]] On sait par des révélations multipliées que le Troisième Coup de Canon signifie l'abolition du pouvoir temporel de la Papauté, la prise de Rome par le F'.' Cadorna; donc le 20 septembre 1870, sept ans moins neuf jours avant cette date, lisez le 29 septembre 1863. Les versets 8, 10, 12, 13, et 17 spécifient que dès lors on compte par 33 ans, et c'est toujours au 29 septembre: 1896, naissance de l'aïeule de l'Antichrist; 1929, naissance de la mère; 1962, naissance de l'Antichrist; 1995, l'Antichrist se révèle au monde (verset 17)"

Diana Vaughan, Mémoires d'une ex-palladiste, volume 1, page 55.

Ce qui est intéressant, c'est de noter que certaines dates correspondent à des événements majeurs (crise économique de 1929; ouverture du concile V2 en 1962), mais pas à ceux annoncés. Les palladistes auraient tort d'attendre du diable qu'il leur dise toute la vérité, puisque "il est de la nature du démon de mentir" comme l'a dit Notre-Seigneur Jésus-Christ.

Nous n'avons pas eu la "naissance de l'Antichrist", en 1962, mais le concile Vatican II... . Certes, il y a quelque similitude, nous sommes d'accord !...

Les Mémoires de Diana Vaughan sont disponibles en PDF, ce qui permet plus facilement la recherche par mots-clés.
Mémoires d'une ex-palladiste parfaite, initiée, indépendante / Miss Diana Vaughan (Jeanne-Marie-Raphaëlle)
Marie Madeleine
One more comment from Marie Madeleine
Marie Madeleine
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Thank you very much. God bless you. 수고 하셨습니다.
Marie Madeleine
I have gound something else so that is no doubt. Melanie is not a lyiar... She wrote (I did not found it, but please translate what follows)... Pourtant, le 30/09/1896, Mélanie Calvat écrivait à M.Schmid : "c'est hier qu'a dû naître la grand-mère de l'Antéchrist!"
Sous réserve que cette histoire de Mélanie Calvat soit authentique, bien entendu... (source l'extraordinaire secret de La Salette,…
I have gound something else so that is no doubt. Melanie is not a lyiar... She wrote (I did not found it, but please translate what follows)... Pourtant, le 30/09/1896, Mélanie Calvat écrivait à M.Schmid : "c'est hier qu'a dû naître la grand-mère de l'Antéchrist!"

Sous réserve que cette histoire de Mélanie Calvat soit authentique, bien entendu... (source l'extraordinaire secret de La Salette, par Louis de Boanergès éditions DFT page 216)
Marie Madeleine
축복을 받으십시오, 천 번!
chugbog-eul bad-eusibsio, cheon beon!More
축복을 받으십시오, 천 번!

chugbog-eul bad-eusibsio, cheon beon!
One more comment from Marie Madeleine
Marie Madeleine
At last, I would rather read other books, but the ennemies of God have left lots of proofs of their actions! So please have a look at the references at the end of this man who was not working for God (Reference to a book #3 mentioned at the end - editor no other than Leo Taxil) ! William Guy Carr — Wikipédia