Defeat Modernism
Actually wasn't last week the 1st Saturday? Or does the devotion entail that it's the 1st Saturday following the 1st Friday of the month? Is this because the Sacred Heart of Jesus takes precedence before the Immaculate Heart of Mary? Anyway please pray for reparation for all the offenses against these 2 adorable Hearts 🙏
Child of Our Lady
It's just the way the month of April started. April 1st was the month's first Saturday & day of the month. So, that puts the first Friday of April in the following week. Good Friday will be this month's First Friday. I called ahead to the parish I go to so I could verify they will be passing out Holy Communion on Good Friday.
I like to offer my Holy Communion, through the hands of Our Lady to Jesus …More
It's just the way the month of April started. April 1st was the month's first Saturday & day of the month. So, that puts the first Friday of April in the following week. Good Friday will be this month's First Friday. I called ahead to the parish I go to so I could verify they will be passing out Holy Communion on Good Friday.

I like to offer my Holy Communion, through the hands of Our Lady to Jesus, as reparation to the Sacred & Immaculate Hearts every time I receive Holy Communion regardless of the day I receive.
Defeat Modernism
@Orthocat My error, last Saturday was first Saturday. Thank you for correcting me. I'll update the post.