Anti-Christians Vandalize Pro-Marriage Signs in Maine. ANTI-CHRISTIAN INTOLERANCE AND HATE ON THE STREETS OF AMERICA. Coming to YOUR neighborhood soon! During a recent tour in defense of Marriage in …More
Anti-Christians Vandalize Pro-Marriage Signs in Maine.

ANTI-CHRISTIAN INTOLERANCE AND HATE ON THE STREETS OF AMERICA. Coming to YOUR neighborhood soon! During a recent tour in defense of Marriage in Maine, volunteers with The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) observed pro-Marriage signs vandalized and unlawfully removed by aberrosexualist (homosexualist) zealots. Some of the unsettling incidents occurred on Congress Street, downtown Portland, from October 29-31 and were caught on video. The blue and yellow signs read: "Don't redefine Marriage. Vote NO on question ONE. Marriage = 1 man + 1 woman." Aberrosexualist fanatics ignored state law which protects such signs: "A person who takes, defaces or disturbs a lawfully placed sign bearing political messages relating to a general election, primary election or referendum commits a civil violation for which a forfeiture of up to $250 may be adjudged." (§1917-A. Unlawful removal of political signs) Every time TFP volunteers put up signs in favor of Marriage on Congress Street, aberrosexualist fanatics damaged or destroyed them. In less than five minutes, the signs were all vandalized. When new ones went up, those were trashed too. This is the so-called "tolerance" of aberrosexualist extremists. They stand for zero tolerance, zero fairness, zero free speech.