
Anger at Charlotte Catholic school after speaker criticizes homosexuality

Some parents and students at one of North Carolina’s largest Catholic schools are outraged after a Nashville Dominican nun who holds a doctorate in theology criticized homosexuality in a presentation to students, according to the Charlotte Observer.
“We the students of Charlotte Catholic High School would like to issue a formal complaint regarding Sr. Jane Dominic [Laurel]’s speech,” according to an online petition. “We believe that same sex couples have the ability to raise happy, well-adjusted and successful children … We believe that homosexual couples are capable of monogamy. As rational people, we know that most homosexual people lead healthy, normal and productive lives like their heterosexual counterparts.”
An alternate petition states that “we the students of Charlotte Catholic High School, acting on our Catholic beliefs, are declaring a formal objection towards all those who do not accept Sister Jane Dominic's lecture … We are outraged that the topics talked about are being debated within a community where the shared faith teaches us what truly is holy and that anyone would stand up against a nun, who has given her life for the Lord, and blatantly deny God’s teachings.”
Bishop Peter Jugis will attend a meeting with parents and students on April 2.
You, the students of Charlotte Catholic High, need smacked hard with a ruler.
St. Joseph Pray For Us
Either the Church has always been right on it's teachings about fornication and sexual deviancy, or it has always been a sham. It cannot be both. Why would anyone want to go and sit through a sub par mass, listening to sub par homilies, and not being fed the truth. What is the attraction that the church has over a mega-church with music and dancing? If the reverence for the Lord Jesus in the Eucharist …More
Either the Church has always been right on it's teachings about fornication and sexual deviancy, or it has always been a sham. It cannot be both. Why would anyone want to go and sit through a sub par mass, listening to sub par homilies, and not being fed the truth. What is the attraction that the church has over a mega-church with music and dancing? If the reverence for the Lord Jesus in the Eucharist is gone, the Catholic church has diddly squat for me. I have been through all these masses, that someone, somehow thought would be enriching to my faith, and guess what, I am so sick of going to mass and wondering why I waste my time. The church is not catholic anymore. It's just flat, undignified, and undistinguished. If everybody can go to heaven, why put up with this bologna? If we have a reasonable hope that nobody goes to hell, then why bother? When the Pope exhorts people to go to confession, why should they listen to him? Everybody is saved, Jews, atheists,hindus, muslims, protestants, all but the catholics it seems. The stupid catholics who believe in the communion of saints, they are uptight worry warts, relax, we are all going to heaven. (But get to confession, and make it snappy).
"Man's Search for Happiness"