Quo Primum
Canonisations: were they valid? Papal Appearance Late Pope John Paul II makes a fiery appearance in Poland? Photo Credit: Daily Mail UK Krakow, Poland, Oct 16, 2007 / 02:34 pm (CNA).- An interesting …More
Canonisations: were they valid?

Papal Appearance
Late Pope John Paul II makes a fiery appearance in Poland?

Photo Credit: Daily Mail UK
Krakow, Poland, Oct 16, 2007 / 02:34 pm (CNA).- An interesting photograph emerged on the Vatican’s television station on Monday. The picture claims to show the shape of Pope John Paul II in the flames of a bonfire built at a memorial service on the occasion of the second anniversary of his death.

I forgot to mention at the second Mass, that Pope John-Paul actually KISSED the KORAN....

Church Revolution in Pictures

Photo of the Week

JPII kisses the Koran

May 14, 1999 - John Paul II kisses the Koran (Qu'ran) at the Vatican.

To the objectors who claim that this book was not the Koran, we present an excerpt from an interview with FIDES News Service (June 1, 1999). In it, Chaldean Catholic Patriarch Raphael I affirmed that he was present when John Paul II kissed the Muslim "holy" book:

"On May 14th I was received by the Pope, together with a delegation composed of the Shi'ite imam of Khadum mosque and the Sunni president of the council of administration of the Iraqi Islamic Bank. There was also a representative of the Iraqi ministry of religion. ....

"At the end of the audience the Pope bowed to the Muslim holy book, the Qu'ran, presented to him by the delegation, and he kissed it as a sign of respect. The photo of that gesture has been shown repeatedly on Iraqi television and it demonstrates that the Pope is not only aware of the suffering of the Iraqi people, he has also great respect for Islam."

For the full text of the interview, click here.

(Canonizing the modernist revolution and the 2nd Vatican Council.)

Letter of Saint Athanasius to His Flock
"May God console you! ... What saddens you ... is the fact that others have occupied the churches by violence, while during this time you are on the outside. It is a fact that they have the premises – but you have the Apostolic Faith. They can occupy our churches, but they are outside the true Faith. You remain outside the places of worship, but the Faith dwells within you. Let us consider: what is more important, the place or the Faith? The true Faith, obviously. Who has lost and who has won in the struggle – the one who keeps the premises or the one who keeps the Faith?

True, the premises are good when the Apostolic Faith is preached there; they are holy if everything takes place there in a holy way ...

You are the ones who are happy; you who remain within the Church by your Faith, who hold firmly to the foundations of the Faith which has come down to you from Apostolic Tradition. And if an execrable jealousy has tried to shake it on a number of occasions, it has not succeeded. They are the ones who have broken away from it in the present crisis.

No one, ever, will prevail against your Faith, beloved Brothers. And we believe that God will give us our churches back some day.

Thus, the more violently they try to occupy the places of worship, the more they separate themselves from the Church. They claim that they represent the Church; but in reality, they are the ones who are expelling themselves from it and going astray. Even if Catholics faithful to Tradition are reduced to a handful, they are the ones who are the true Church of Jesus Christ."

(Taken from: Coll. selecta SS. Eccl. Patrum, Caillau and Guillou, Vol. 32, pp. 411-412; See also: Letter XXIX, Fragment 7, in Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Athanasius, Vol. 4, Edited by Philip Schaff, Hendrickson Publishers, Peabody, Mass., Second Printing, 1995, pp. 550-551)

Below: Pope blessed by Hindu Priestess 1986

John Paul's Legacy Stained by Sex Abuse Scandal
April 21, 2014, ABC News/Associated Press

The sexual abuse scandal that festered under [Pope John Paul's] watch remains a stain on his legacy. Pope Francis has inherited John Paul's most notorious failure on the sex abuse front — the Legion of Christ order, which John Paul and his top advisers held up as a model. The Legion admitted that its late founder sexually abused his seminarians and fathered three children. Yet the Legion's 2009 admission about the Rev. Marcial Maciel's double life was by no means news to the Vatican. Documents from the archives of the Vatican's then-Sacred Congregation for Religious show how a succession of papacies ... simply turned a blind eye to credible reports that Maciel was a con artist, drug addict, pedophile and religious fraud. The documents show the Holy See was well aware of Maciel's drug abuse, sexual abuse and financial improprieties as early as 1956, when it ordered an initial investigation and suspended him for two years to kick a morphine habit. Maciel's fraud, one of the greatest scandals of the 20th-century Catholic Church, raises uncomfortable questions for today's Vatican about how so many people could have been duped for so long. [This] brings into question how the church's own structure, values and …