"The Priests": "Singing is praying twice" "When we sing we pray twice," say "The Priests" about the release of their first music album, which held a place on many countries' sales charts at the end of …More
"The Priests": "Singing is praying twice"

"When we sing we pray twice," say "The Priests" about the release of their first music album, which held a place on many countries' sales charts at the end of last year.

Fathers Martin, Eugene and David are Catholic priests from Northern Ireland who have combined their priestly work with the transmission of the faith through their music for a long time.

“We have been singing when we were school boys, we have been singing together at university in Belfast, we have been singing together during our time here in Rome when we were studying here. And since we returned to the diocese we have been singing together in many different occasions.”

“The actual album itself has an international feel to it. It is cosmopolitan in so far as the sense that we do sing Latin, the language of the Church. We also sing in English, French, German, Irish, Spanish.”

“Many of the pieces of music that we sing are sacred pieces, and many of them are prayers in their own right; for example, the Ave Maria is a prayer initially addressed to Our Lady.”

“There is a whole generation of people who are distanced from the Church, who did not have that experience and will be hearing this music perhaps for the very first time.”

“Maybe they open up the little book to read the words. Then they are exposed to the message that is contained in the music. So I think this music is not just for the elderly people or church-going people, but it’s for young people and it’s for everyone.”

“If it does well and sells in various countries, it is indeed our hope, that charitable organizations will be able to share in whatever profits may come to us.”
Saving souls is a priests First responsibility. While there is nothing wrong in using the talents God gave you; but singing does not lead souls to salvation; and the time spent in your singing verses time spent in the confessionals and preaching on the evils of abortion, birth control, etc, would surely benefit souls toward leading them to heaven. Would love to hear about priests who willingly l …More
Saving souls is a priests First responsibility. While there is nothing wrong in using the talents God gave you; but singing does not lead souls to salvation; and the time spent in your singing verses time spent in the confessionals and preaching on the evils of abortion, birth control, etc, would surely benefit souls toward leading them to heaven. Would love to hear about priests who willingly l remain hearing confessions hours on end like St. Padre Pio & John Vianney. Also, to see priests without their clerics on is very disheartening, while only witnessing to their modernization which Pope after pope have warned us about.
Their singing is divine. Support them by buying their CD.
To sing is fine. To SAVE SOULS is better. In a proper liturgy and hearing confession. That is GOD's will, not to appear on the X Factor ! 😇