Fiel A Cristo

For the record: Vatican CDW head corrects Pope Francis on Communion for non-Catholics

Although we didn't even report on the matter of Pope Francis recently telling a Protestant she should ask Jesus whether she should receive Holy Communion with no intention of converting (forgive us, there's just too much of this nonsense to cover on a daily basis), Robert Cardinal Sarah, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, has now corrected Francis, and forcefully.

N.B.: While positive, please don't think that this has repercussions beyond setting the public record straight, and stopping the further (daily?) confusion and scandal of the Faithful. Communion for adulterers may just as well move forward, but God willing, Cardinal Sarah will only make his voice louder in opposition to the sacrilege of placing Christ on the tongues of the divorced and remarried.

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