
The Letter to the Timothies

They want you to join in,
give up your last breath,
become like the others:
uneasy, annoyed
and that's how it's working
the fiefdom of death,
the former empire
Our Lord had destroyed.

The world has expanded,
forced you to its border,
in this Neue Zeit,
beware of its Geist
and firmly preserve
the good vetus order,
the order of God and
His Holy Christ.

Ignore all the sirens,
the voice for the stulted,
whereever you're struggling,
just fight the good fights,
this way you will hear
the words of Exultet
in depths of the darkest
and longest of nights.

The devil has sifted
your earthly illusions,
skilfully employing
his wit and his charms
but he was permitted
for higher conclusions,
God bless you, God keep you,
Dear Brothers in Arms.