The man centered religion of Francis, of the Novus Ordo Missae, of the second Vatican Council

Francis gathered together scholars, business representatives, and people from international organizations (you know those NGOs he is always whining about) to discuss how to better implement the social policies he discussed in his apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium. Seventy attendees listened to him talk for two days about the "inclusive economy" behind closed doors.
What about the Kingship of Christ? Isn't the Holy Eucharist is the center of Catholic worship? Is it not the heart of Catholic life? Why have men erected beautiful cathedrals and adorned them with exquisite sculpture and priceless paintings? So man could be exalted? We don't think so! The most magnificent liturgical ceremonies of the Catholic Church are directed toward honoring the King of kings through the Christ instituted Mass of the Ages, the Tridentine Latin Mass. Oh we forget, the Novus Ordo Missae is man created, man centered worship. What else does Francis need to say for people to realize this man is a fraud?…/the-man-centere…
Even freemasons believe in a deity, sad for them that this deity they call god is someone who isn't.
Prof. Leonard Wessell
I disagree with the first opposition between "life valued" and "life devalued". The last value given was "Humanism". All humanistic atheists, not to mention most people of little belief, evaluate very highly THIS life -- for it is the only one that counts. Such a high evaluation of THIS life is essential to humanism, including partucularly atheistic humanism. (An atheistm of Nieztsche or Albert …More
I disagree with the first opposition between "life valued" and "life devalued". The last value given was "Humanism". All humanistic atheists, not to mention most people of little belief, evaluate very highly THIS life -- for it is the only one that counts. Such a high evaluation of THIS life is essential to humanism, including partucularly atheistic humanism. (An atheistm of Nieztsche or Albert Camus was existentialistic, i.e., recognized the horrible void of a world without God, of a world that is no more than THIS one. I have respect for Nieztsche and Camus.)

Reading Pope Francis' words, together with a series of other words and deeds, I find it hard, despite any God-language that my flow from the Pope's mouth, not to conclude that Mr. "Bergoglio", pope or not, is basically a humanist, if not a humanistic atheist. Please, someone save me from my logic.

In terms of God-centered theology death/eternity and sin (the acts of individuals, not the social structure said individual finds himself and that forces itself motivationally upon him/her) play a central role. In man-centered theology death is marginalized (Nietzsche and Camus did not do so) and sin is transformed into non-man-centered or unjust socio-economic structures. The current Pope appears to me to be "fundamentally changing" the language of Catholicism into the vocabulary of the social justice of the Church of Nice, evincing a (atheistic or not) humanism. Am I wrong with my logic?

If my logic is correct, it seems plausible to say that the Pope is not a heretic, rather an apostate. Any objections?