
Benedict XVI: Francis is the true Pope

According to Jörg Bremer in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, Benedict XVI would have preferred to be called after his retirement “Padre Benedetto” (Father Benedict). But after his retirement he was to tired to insist on it. Bremer met Benedict XVI in his private residence.

Benedict XVI confirmed that he has “a very good contact” with Pope Francis and has no intention to put him into the shadow. Benedict said that claims that he wanted to influence the debate during the Synod of Bishops is “absolute nonsense”. Quote: “I try to be as quite as possible.” According to him it is totally clear to the faithful that Francis “is the true Pope”.

Benedict disclaimed that he changed the wording of his article on the indissolubility of marriage in view of the Synod of Bishops. The changes were made already in August, month before the Synod. They reflect what Pope John Paul II has taught during his time and “what I have already written in a much more drastic way as the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.”

Benedict confirmed that he is relieved that he is not Pope anymore. To remain in office would according to him “not have been honest”.

Original article
Benedict XVI is in complete union with Pope Francis, there is no doubt about this.
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Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.
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Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.

Holy Mary Mother of God
The Immaculate Conception: Ora Pro Nobis
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