

What would be the #1 act of Divine Mercy given from God to each and every soul in all history of mankind? Jesus, hands down it is Jesus, the #2 would be our Holy Mother Mary, #3 would the Catholic Church and one that was there, even before they were born into this world, the #4 of all time, even before Moses (#5) … purgatory.

Purgatory is a place that none of us would want to go, as matter of fact, we should all strive to go directly to Heaven as saints, but, according to St Jerome, for each 100,000 Catholics only 10 enter Heaven, that information coming from the mouth of the saint are indeed frightening; in the beginning I was shocked by the numbers the saint said long ago, but through discernment I finally understood the saint, only 10 do go to Heaven because those are saints when they die, the rest, they either go to purgatory or hell.

God made purgatory in order to cleanse people of lesser sins, it is written, “nothing unclean shall enter” Rev 21:27, venial sins will be cleansed and also temporal reparations for everything you didn’t repair in this lifetime, will be the cause for souls to be cleansed in the Merciful fires of purgatory, not everyone believes purgatory exists, even priests don’t believe… this is why the lack of knowledge about it within the faithful as most priests don’t teach about it.
Obviously, protestants don’t believe in purgatory is like their sad believe that you are saved by faith alone, it keeps them blind to the truth and the truth is, being save by faith alone is a contradiction to the good news of Jesus and the Word of God DOES NOT have contradictions, sadly, being saved by faith alone is a huge one.

If being saved by faith alone is the truth then Apostle Paul is lying about “working your salvation with fear and tremble”, Apostle James would be contradicting God saying “a man is justified by works NOT by faith ONLY.” Faith alone is nothing but a contradiction to relax men into thinking that God will be all merciful and will forget His Divine Justice… sounds familiar? The crowd of all mercy in the Catholic Church is as large as the number of St Jerome, Yes God IS all Merciful but His Divine Justice comes from the same source as Divine Mercy, God is love says Apostle John, so there is NO Divine Mercy without Justice, is like saying within Divine Love there’s no truth.

Purgatory IS Divine Mercy and also Divine Justice, one cannot go without the other, God cannot contradict Himself even if your favorite Priest, Pope or Protestant pastor says otherwise.

Purgatory exists because of God’s eternal Love for us, so… those other 99,000 Catholics St Jerome mentioned not to enter Heaven, SOME of them will reach purgatory and there, they will fulfill our Lord’s words when He said to the Apostle’s complain about no one would get saved after hearing “it’ll be easier for a Camel to enter the eye of a needle than a rich man entering Heaven”, this is when our Lord puts them at ease replying: “… for men is impossible, but for God all things are possible.” Now that’s Divine Mercy.

The most compelling proof that purgatory exists is detailed by the Holy Spirit in the Bible, when Jesus after dying, He went to the souls who were imprisoned and PREACH to them, it doesn’t say that perhaps He will comfort them or maybe He thought He’ll say something, no! Jesus PREACH to them, souls who were imprisoned, and when you preach, you are actively trying to change souls to grasp salvation for them, that is the definition of preaching.

Jesus is the same yesterday, so yesterday He preached to those imprisoned souls, who, weren’t having fun being in jail, Jesus is the same today…. He will preach to those who will be go to that very same prison those souls were and the same preaching will occur, and because He is the same tomorrow, He will continue to preach to them until He comes again, always seeking change, seeking the impossible to become possible.

Catholics need to understand for once and for all, that Divine Mercy ALONE is a contradiction, Purgatory exists and IS Divine Mercy but also Divine Justice, the fire corrects the impossible, reparations ARE met and then, in God’s time, the souls grasped the necessary change, then, this is when the soul can enter Heaven.

Mortal sin is what opens the doors of hell for all souls who rebel, mortal sins are on their own, serious and evil offenses like theft, gluttony, active homosexuality, adultery, but sometimes the pile up of venial sins could be troublesome, people who like to put tattoos in their bodies for example, I truly believe that anyone, who doesn’t know God dislikes tattoos are committing a venial sin, so therefore have purchased for themselves a ticket to purgatory if no mortal sin is within them at the time of death, now, can you imagine those who know and don’t care? This is when a venial sin becomes a mortal one and it is only sad when priests, even this false prophet Bergoglio, proclaims that tattoos are not sins.

False prophets will do what they do best, they will relax your spiritual defenses in order for you to fall deeper and deeper, when the time of your calling comes, then nothing can be done when sin after sin becomes a mountain of neglect and omission with the knowledge that it was a sin.

Tattoos are one small example of how bad the situation is out there, and let be clear, this is not for you or anyone to become a pharisee against those who are tattooed, no… it is for you to know, that sometimes, a mountain of small sins can become grave ones (you only need 1 grave sin to be condemned), false prophets like all demons wants your doom, and we need our brothers and sisters to NOT become complaisant… work your salvation with fear and tremble, that’s the absolute truth.

Divine Mercy is real, Jesus Mercy goes everywhere with Divine Justice as well, it is an entire fallacy to say that Jesus Mercy will overlook Divine Justice when both are identical twins, both came from Divine Love, and the best proof that both goes together is purgatory, Divine Love made it for us and we all need to start living our faith by trying to be a saint, to be one of those 10 Catholics St Jerome mentioned.

These words are meant to open your eyes, we are living in dark times and the top is helping to throw souls into eternal damnation, you could be the most awesome gay person in the world, but if you don’t embrace the teachings of God and strive to achieve sainthood, not Heaven or purgatory will open for you, you could be the most active catholic in the world, but if you have an adulterous relationship purgatory is not for you, you could be the most amazing politician but acting like Robin Hood will only give you popularity and eventually hell will receive you as a thief, stealing IS a grave sin.

Even though purgatory IS an act of Divine Mercy and at the same time Divine Justice, people shouldn’t strive to go there, we should all make our very best effort to pass through the narrow door, be part of the maidens with their lamps fill with oil, use our gifts and talents for the salvation of souls and become Saints through Christ our Lord. Amen.

A big hug in Jesus Christ