Pope Benedict signs decrees for the Causes of Saints. Pope Benedict XVI on Saturday morning signed a decree recognizing the heroic virtues of Pope John Paul II, an important and necessary step on the …More
Pope Benedict signs decrees for the Causes of Saints.

Pope Benedict XVI on Saturday morning signed a decree recognizing the heroic virtues of Pope John Paul II, an important and necessary step on the path of beatification. Pope Pius XII was also recognized for his heroic virtues. The Pope acknowledged the martyrdom of the Polish priest Jerzy Popieluszko, who was killed in 1984 because of his religious and social work with the Solidarity trade union. Mary Ward, who lived in England in the seventeenth century was recognized for her heroic virture, and a miracle was recognized due to the intercession of Blessed Mary McKillop, the Australian woman who worked in education and with immigrants. This decree clears the way to her canonization.