Is Francis sending mixed messages about marriage?

You see, it is critical to understand that during these very dark times, in order to defend the sanctity of traditional marriage a person must:

1. Express an unwavering rejection of homosexuality, as a sexual activity offensive in the eyes of God.

2. Vigorously denounce ideologies that support homosexuality and the disintegration of the traditional family – like Marxism.

3. Denounce those who profess and support Marxism – particularly when they disguise it as "social justice" or "liberation theology."

Francis has done none of the above. As such, we are simply hearing mixed messages.

Francis's latest assertion about marriage is not consistent with having favored homosexual civil unions in Argentina, when he was known as Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

Neither is he being consistent with his very public "Who am I to judge..." position about homosexual clergy "who are looking for the Lord." This is a slap on the face of the victims of pederasty in the Church.