O Gospe Sinjska. +! O Gospe Sinjska O Gospe Sinjska, Djevo sveta, divno Te, divno proslavi Bog! Slave Te glasi svega svijeta. Premila Majka puka si svog. Na Tebi neba blista se kras, o Gospe Sinjska,…More
O Gospe Sinjska.

O Gospe Sinjska

O Gospe Sinjska, Djevo sveta,
divno Te, divno proslavi Bog!
Slave Te glasi svega svijeta.
Premila Majka puka si svog.
Na Tebi neba blista se kras,
o Gospe Sinjska, budi nam spas!

U muci ljutoj slatka nada
i rani svakoj lijek si Ti.
Teško je breme naših jada.
U Tebe pomoć ištemo svi.
Život i Radost sviju si nas,
o Gospe Sinjska, budi nam spas!

Za Tobom srce naše gori,
Marijo Majko, ljubavi svom!
Jedna nas samo želja mori,
kad ćemo k licu milomu Tvom.
Dječice svoje usliši glas!
O Gospe Sinjska, budi nam spas!

glazba: Mato Lešćan


Oh, Lady of Sinj, holy Lady,
wonderful, wonderful God is glorified You!
Voices of all the world to celebrate You.
You are the dearest mother of your people!
The beauty of heaven is shining upon You,
Our Lady of Sinj, be our salvation!

You're sweet hope in a difficult misery
and You cure the each wound!
It is difficult burden of our grief.
Everyone seeks the help from you.
You're the life and joy of us all!
Oh, Lady of Sinj, be our salvation!

Our heart is burning for You,
Mother Mary, with all our love!
One wishes only bothers us,
when are we going to Your sweet face.
Hear You the voice of your little children!
Oh, Lady of Sinj, be our salvation!
Public domain
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