University settles case with Christian student - $75,000

Photo ~ Julea Ward

University settles case with student kicked out of program for her Christian beliefs

DETROIT, December 11, 2012, ( – A nearly three-year ordeal has come to an end for a Christian psychology student kicked out of a public university’s program because she would not compromise her belief that homosexuality is sinful.

Eastern Michigan University has settled out of court with Julea Ward. In March 2009, the Ypsilanti-based university ejected her from its graduate counseling program because she would not affirm a patient’s homosexual lifestyle. Ward said her deeply held religious beliefs would not make her a good counselor for this person and that she wished to make a referral to another counselor.

Instead, EMU forced her into a “remediation” program designed to change her “belief system.” She responded by filing Ward v. Wilbanks.

Under the terms of the settlement, the university will pay Ward an undisclosed monetary settlement ($75,000.00 - Ed), and the expulsion will be stricken from her record.
I'm surprised it took 3-yrs to settle out of court.
Good for her..hit em where it hurts! She should have gotten more from that wretched school.
Look how people are persecuted for holding onto the belief that sodomy is sinful..yet these sodomites contribute to just 1-1.5% of the population. The devil sure knows what he's doing.
At least she got something out of it...especially by her example!More
Look how people are persecuted for holding onto the belief that sodomy is sinful..yet these sodomites contribute to just 1-1.5% of the population. The devil sure knows what he's doing.

At least she got something out of it...especially by her example!