'Get Out From Here' Dutch PM-Probable Geert Wilders Attacks Muslims In Netherlands 'Get Out From Here' Dutch PM-Probable Geert Wilders Attacks Muslims In Netherlands Muslims who believe the Quran is …More
'Get Out From Here' Dutch PM-Probable Geert Wilders Attacks Muslims In Netherlands

'Get Out From Here' Dutch PM-Probable Geert Wilders Attacks Muslims In Netherlands
Muslims who believe the Quran is more important than the law should leave the nation, according to Geert Wilders. In an unconfirmed video, the head of the Freedom Party (PVV), who is expected to become the country's prime minister, was heard stating as much.

#netherlands #dutch #geertwilders #FreedonParty #primeminister #quran

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Theresia Katharina
Nachdem die Niederländer die Briefwahl auf Leute über 70 Jahre beschränkt hatten, kam auf einmal die Partei von Geert Wilders durch.
One more comment from Theresia Katharina
Theresia Katharina
So einfach wird es nicht werden. Aber auch die Niederländer müssen die Notbremse ziehen.
Tony Smith
God bless him !