Prophecy of Isaias, chapter 31 starting at verse 1

"Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help, trusting in horses, and putting their confidence in chariots, because they are many: and in horsemen, because they are very strong: and have not trusted in the Holy One of Israel, and have not sought after the Lord. 2 But he that is the wise one hath brought evil, and hath not removed his words: and he will rise up against the house of the wicked, and against the aid of them that work iniquity. 3 Egypt is man, and not God: and their horses, flesh, and not spirit: and the Lord shall put down his hand, and the helper shall fall, and he that is helped shall fall, and they shall all be confounded together. 4 For thus saith the Lord to me: Like as the lion roareth, and the lion's whelp upon his prey, and when a multitude of shepherds shall come against him, he will not fear at their voice, nor be afraid of their multitude: so shall the Lord of hosts come down to fight upon mount Sion, and upon the hill thereof. …"

It was true when Isaias prophesied and it is true today.
We are in a spiritual war and we need to fight using the weapons God gave us, putting your trust in politicians or other earthly powers will lead to our defeat.
Where are the daily rosaries, hours of reparation, trice daily Angelus, Sacraments of Confession, First Fridays and Saturdays. We are being called to start giving GOD the honor he is due and worshiping him in the way he wants to be worshiped and keeping HIS Law in our own lives, and giving the world an example of how to live to counter the bad examples given to them by the world and governments.

Psalm 145 starting at verse 1 "Alleluia, of Aggeus and Zacharias. 2 Praise the Lord, O my soul, in my life I will praise the Lord: I will sing to my God as long as I shall be. Put not your trust in princes [Psalms 145:2] 3 In the children of men, in whom there is no salvation. 4 His spirit shall go forth, and he shall return into his earth: in that day all their thoughts shall perish. 5 Blessed is he who hath the God of Jacob for his helper, whose hope is in the Lord his God: …"
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