Formation, a constant job. Quotations from Saint Josemaria Tags: Study, Faith, Formation, Catechesis, Year of Faith Formation, a constant job There is an urgent need for spreading the doctrine of …More
Formation, a constant job.

Quotations from Saint Josemaria

Tags: Study, Faith, Formation, Catechesis, Year of Faith

Formation, a constant job

There is an urgent need for spreading the doctrine of Christ.
Store up your training, fill yourself with clear ideas, with the fullness of the Christian message, so that afterwards you can pass it on to others.
—Don’t expect God to illuminate you, for he has no reason to when you have definite human means available to you: study and work.
The Forge, 841

When I made you a present of that Life of Jesus, I wrote as an inscription. May you seek Christ: may you find Christ: may you love Christ.
Three perfectly clear stages. Have you tried, at least, to live the first?
The Way, 382

As soon as we learn one thing, we discover other things hitherto unknown to us and they in turn stimulate us to continue working without ever giving up.
Friends of God, 232

Our calling discloses to us the meaning of our existence. It means being convinced, through faith, of the reason for our life on earth. Our life, the present, past and future, acquires a new dimension, a depth we did not perceive before. All happenings and events now fall within their true perspective: we understand where God is leading us, and we feel ourselves borne along by this task entrusted to us.
Christ is passing by, 45

We cannot separate the seed of doctrine from the seed of piety.
The only way to inoculate your work of sowing doctrine against the germs of ineffectiveness is by being sincerely devout.
The Forge, 918

A spark of light
If the world has come from God, if he has created man in his image and likeness and given him a spark of divine light, the task of our intellect should be to uncover the divine meaning imbedded in all things by their nature, even if this can be attained only by dint of hard work. And with the light of faith, we also can perceive their supernatural purpose, resulting from the elevation of the natural order to the higher order of grace. We can never be afraid of developing human knowledge, because all intellectual effort, if it is serious, is aimed at truth. And Christ has said, "I am the truth”.
Christ is passing by, 10

A desire to work for the common good is not enough. The way to make this desire effective is to form competent men and women who can transmit to others the maturity which they themselves have achieved.
Conversations, n. 73

Faith teaches us that everything around and in us is impregnated with divine purpose, that all things echo the call beckoning us to the house of our Father.
This supernatural understanding of earthly existence does not oversimplify the complexity of human life. Rather, it assures us that this complexity can be shot through with the love of God, that beyond the disagreeable surface can be discovered the strong and indestructible link that binds our life on earth with our definitive life in heaven.
Christ is passing by, 177

Following the Master’s wishes, you are to be salt and light while being fully immersed in this world we were made to live in, sharing in all human activities. Light which illuminates the hearts and minds of men. Salt which gives flavour and preserves from corruption.

That is why if you lack apostolic zeal you will become insipid and useless. You will be letting other people down and your life will be absurd.
The Forge, 22

Just live your ordinary life; work at your job, trying to fulfil the duties of your state in life, doing your job, your professional work properly, improving, getting better each day. Be loyal; be understanding with others and demanding on yourself. Be mortified and cheerful. This will be your apostolate. Then, though you won't see why, because you're very aware of your own wretchedness, you will find that people come to you. Then you can talk to them, quite simply and naturally — on your way home from work for instance, or in a family gathering, on a bus, walking down the street, anywhere. You will chat about the sort of longings that everyone feels deep down in his soul, even though some people may not want to pay attention to them: they will come to understand them better, when they begin to look for God in earnest.
Friends of God, 273

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List of Contents
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Sanctifying ordinary work
The Ascension of the Lord
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Hard times
Almsgiving or how to to lend a hand
The salt of mortification
Knowing when to keep silent and when to speak
Making others happy
Any questions about Opus Dei?
Purification: change, recovery

Tags on Saint Josemaria
Church Contemplation Cross Faithfavours of the founder of Opus Dei Holy RosaryJesus Christ Joy Marriage Opus Dei Ordinary life Our Lady SufferingVocation Work

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