Fatima Fraud - Our Case For An Imposter Lucy- Full Film This is Sister Lucy Truth YouTube ChannelMore
Fatima Fraud - Our Case For An Imposter Lucy- Full Film
This is Sister Lucy Truth YouTube Channel
Edwin F Young
Good comments! More people in the Catholic Media are seeing the BIG Picture.
Most continue to ignore the Elephant in the room hoping no one will notice
Media -There was an Impostor Lucy - Sister Lucy Truth
Edwin F Young
Edwin F Young
Sister Lucia She may have undergone some plastic surgery, possibly on her teeth, thus changing her face.
Ralph Alexander Michael Curtis
She was the sole living witness to the 3rd secret of Our Lady's message at Fatima. She had to be taken out of the way and silenced. Keeping the Faithful in the dark is the only way they could bring about Vatican II. How can one fulfill the 5 first Saturdays and say the prayer taught by the Angel to the 3 children when irreverence is mandatory in the Novus Ordo?
Edwin F Young