Complete Catholic Mass 13th Sunday Ordinary Time. Complete Catholic Mass 13th Sunday Ordinary Time Catholic priestMore
Complete Catholic Mass 13th Sunday Ordinary Time.

Complete Catholic Mass 13th Sunday Ordinary Time Catholic priest
OHHHHHHHHHHHH Please...my dog is howling. This is so cheap and not enev juvenile as far is music is concerned. You call this Liturgical Music? I'd walk out if I had to be entertained with this!
We have a beautiful translation of the Mass now, how about getting this cheap crap out of the churches! And these people think this is sooo wonderful.
One reason I quit playing the organ and directing choir …More
OHHHHHHHHHHHH Please...my dog is howling. This is so cheap and not enev juvenile as far is music is concerned. You call this Liturgical Music? I'd walk out if I had to be entertained with this!

We have a beautiful translation of the Mass now, how about getting this cheap crap out of the churches! And these people think this is sooo wonderful.

One reason I quit playing the organ and directing choir is because of this crap that the pastor wanted and the parishoners didn't.
Notice how the congregation is NOT singing.

I think I need to throw up now!
This is so sad to watch...is it any wonder the Holy Father is wanting the traditional Latin Mass in All Churches?