Why doesn't the Vatican press ask Bergoglio about his affinity for homosexuality?

Nick Donnelly

What's the point of the Vatican press corp if they won't ask the obvious questions: Jorge, what's all this about you and homosexuality?
Why do you appoint so many vocal supporters of homosexuality as bishops? Why did you appoint a notorious homosexual in charge of your home in the Domus Sanctae Marthae
Why are you always praising that queen James Martin?
Why is your weekly dinner companion a Jesuit who has a website dedicated to a homosexual poet? Why did you appoint the gayest prefect of the CDF in history?

la verdad prevalece
Ora sembra che si debba sospettare che tutti i preti di Bergoglio siano sodomiti fino a prova contraria.
la verdad prevalece
Ahora parece que debemos sospechar que todos los sacerdotes de Bergoglio son sodomitas hasta que se demuestre lo contrario.
One more comment from la verdad prevalece
la verdad prevalece
Now it seems that we must suspect that all of Bergoglio's priests are sodomites until proven otherwise.