Pierre Henri
JUST IN : SAUDI PRINCE CONDEMNS HAMAS FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE WAR For the first time since the war broke out, a Saudi Prince has condemned not only Israel, but also Hamas, AND Western countries! This …More
JUST IN : SAUDI PRINCE CONDEMNS HAMAS FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE WAR For the first time since the war broke out, a Saudi Prince has condemned not only Israel, but also Hamas, AND Western countries! This is a significant shift in tone, signaling increased support for Israel as they prepare to enter Gaza. TWO IMPORTANT POINTS:
The normalization deal between Saudi and Israel is NOT dead
2. Hamas continues to lose support, getting increasingly isolated as the Israeli army threatens to ‘eliminate’ them Note: Saudi Prince Turki Al-Faisal does NOT speak on behalf of the Government. However he served as the head of the General Intelligence Presidency for 22 years.
KEY QUOTES: - I categorically condemn Hamas's targeting of civilians of any age and gender. Such targeting belies Hamas's claims of Islamic identity. There is an Islamic injunction against the killing of innocent children, women, elders, and places of worship. - I also condemn Hamas for giving the higher moral ground to the Israeli government. - I condemn Hamas for ethnically cleansing Gaza and its citizens and bombing them into oblivion. - I condemn Hamas for undermining the Palestinian Authority, as Israel has been doing. - I condemn Hamas for sabotaging the attempt of Saudi Arabia to reach a peaceful resolution to the Palestinian plight. - I condemn Israel for its indiscriminate bombing of Palestinian innocent civilians and the attempt to forcibly drive them out of Gaza. - I condemn Israeli targeted killing and the indiscriminate arrest of children, women, and men in the West Bank. - I condemn Israel for stealing Palestinian lands - I condemn Israeli colonists for rampaging through houses of worship in Jerusalem - I condemn Israel for destroying Palestinian homes and olive orchards - I condemn Israel for incarcerating Palestinian children, women, and men in concentration camps - I condemn Israel for targeted killings and assassinations of Palestinians - I condemn Israel for funneling Qatari money to Hamas, a group defined as a terrorist organization by Israel - I condemn Western politicians for shedding tears when Israelis are killed by Palestinians but refusing to express sorrow when Israelis kill Palestinians - Two wrongs don't make a right. - What more provocation is required, to make it provoked, than what Israel has done to Palestinian People for three quarters of a century