
Archbishop’s last Latin Mass.

Archbishop Barry James Hickey
Archbishop Emeritus of Perth, Australia
Retired in 2012 celebrated his last Latin Mass today( due to deteriorating health) expressed his love of the Old Mass in his sermon. Please spare an Ave for his Eminence. DG

Archbishop Barry James Hickey [Catholic-Hierarchy]
due to deteriorating health
True Mass
Why? Flimsy reporting. Knowing why is crucial here.
A couple of days ago a good friend of mine, a greek-catholic priest biritual, came over to discuss something. I was a bit surprised when he asked me what's about for learning the classical latin rite. This guy is in his early 40ies and a lot of seminarians are feeling that there's something missing in the the novus ordo.
Why his last latin Mass? If he's forced bx traditionis custodis he should go in the catacombs and celebrate there!
Simply old age! However it really is Our Lord’s decision.