
Franciscan Nun Murdered in Brazil

Franciscan Nun Murdered in Brazil

Sr. Irma Odete Francisca Dedicated Final Years of Her Life Helping Those Battling Drug Addiction

Rome, July 27, 2015 (ZENIT.org) Staff Reporter | 3037 hits

A Franciscan nun who dedicated her life to helping those suffering from drug addiction, was murdered last week in Brazil.

According to Fides, Sister Irma Odete Francisca was killed on Friday morning at La Estrella Drug Rehabilitation Centre in the town of Guaratinguetá, located in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo. The Pontifical Mission Societies in Brazil stated that the nun was attacked by a man during an attempted robbery. She died after she was stabbed in the back 8 times by her attacker.

Local police stated that the robber entered the convent barefooted and with his face covered. He then ordered the sisters to give him money.

Sr. Francisca worked for 6 years at the Centre in Guaratinguetá, which houses about 350 people undergoing rehabilitation for drug abuse and addiction. (J.A.E.)
Que barbaridade!
R.I.P. Irmã Odete.
Já que está no céu, rogai por nos a fim de que o Brasil fique um país sem violência.
On Guard
May her soul rest in peace. Thank you, Lord, for giving us such wonderful people to counteract our deficiencies.