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The Church will Never accept homosexuality – Archbishop Palmer Buckle

Tv3 Ghana
The Metropolitan Archbishop of Accra, has reiterated the Catholic Church’s position on gayism and homosexuality indicating that the church has always considered the act as “intrinsically and morally disordered.”

Archbishop Palmer Buckle speaking on TV3’s Hot Issues explained that “intrinsically, means that in itself, sex was meant for a purpose and Genesis Chapter 1 vs 26-28 makes it very clear – Let us make man in our own image and likeness, God said.

“Male and female, God created them… Then God blessed them and said - Be fruitful, increase and multiply and fill the whole earth. So sex and sexuality belong to the original aim of God when he created them - male and female.

“So man was meant to enter into a heterosexual relationship, either as a man to a woman or a woman to a man.”

His comments come on the back of the debate on homosexuality and the recent endorsement of the act by the American Supreme Court which has made it acceptable in that country.


