Pope Pius VII, Diu Satis, #6 , May 15, 1800: “… men should realize that all attempts to overthrow the “House of God” are in vain. For this is the Church founded on Peter, “Rock,” not merely in name …More
Pope Pius VII, Diu Satis, #6 , May 15, 1800: “… men should realize that all attempts to overthrow the “House of God” are in vain. For this is the Church founded on Peter, “Rock,” not merely in name but in truth. Against this “the gates of hell will not prevail” [Matthew 16:18] “for it is founded on a rock.” [Matthew 7:24-25] There has never been an enemy of the Christian religion who was not simultaneously at wicked war with the See of Peter, since while this See remained strong the survival of the Christian religion was assured. As St. Irenaeus proclaims openly to all, “by the order and succession of the Roman pontiffs the tradition from the Apostles in the Church and the proclamation of the truth has come down to us... and the same life-giving faith which has been preserved in the Church until now since the time of the Apostles and has been handed on in truth.”[St. Irenaeus, Against Heresies, Book 3, Ch. 3]”
