Why Did Anti-Religious Time Mag Choose the Pope as Man of the Year?

"So why did TIME name him Man of the Year if he did not rip capitalism? 'Cause there's nothing else about the pope that TIME Magazine would admire. The pope is pro-life. They're not. The pope believes in Christ, and to TIME Magazine that's like showing Dracula the cross. The pope is anti-gay marriage. TIME Magazine's for it. If the pope didn't rip capitalism, why is he Man of the Year?

"The man believes in God and Christ, and that is also controversial for people on the left and in the media. But for TIME Magazine to name as Man of the Year somebody who is forcefully pro-life, forcefully anti-abortion? In addition, the pope is unwaveringly opposed to gay marriage, and there probably nobody at TIME Magazine who is opposed to gay marriage.

"They had to set aside their literal opposition to the man on abortion and gay marriage and choose him as Man of the Year because he attacked capitalism.

"Do you understand that the foundation building block of Obamacare is free birth control for everybody? The pope opposes that. The pope opposes everything the left stands for except he ripped into capitalism, they think. Why else would they name him Man of the Year? He hasn't been in office that long. Why else would they do it? Is there any other reason? What else would be noteworthy? He hasn't been there long enough, right?

"Here's what happened. Whether you want to believe it or not, the left hates and despises Christianity, and particularly the Catholic Church 'cause it's the biggest. They do not like it at all. I firmly believe that the left has been infiltrating the Catholic Church over the years with the full intent of discrediting it from within. There is no respect for the Catholic Church or love or appreciation. As I say, the left and abortion, the left and gay marriage, the left and birth control, the Catholic Church leads the opposition to those things. And yet Il Papa has been named TIME Magazine's Man of the Year. And TIME Magazine is the left-wing media. They are Time Warner. They are it. They are as much ranking members as any other organization. New York Times, Washington Post, you name it."

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