Sainte Théodore Guérin. A valiant soul ...More
Sainte Théodore Guérin.

A valiant soul ...
“The wilderness is our only cloister.”
“Love the children first, then teach them.”
“What strength the soul draws from prayer!”
“Put yourself gently into the hands of Providence.”
“If we wish to die like the Saints we must live like them.”

Saint Théodore Guérin, valiant woman of God, intercede for
us in our needs. Implore for us through Jesus the gifts of
living faith, abiding …

“The wilderness is our only cloister.”

“Love the children first, then teach them.”

“What strength the soul draws from prayer!”

“Put yourself gently into the hands of Providence.”

“If we wish to die like the Saints we must live like them.”


Saint Théodore Guérin, valiant woman of God, intercede for
us in our needs. Implore for us through Jesus the gifts of
living faith, abiding hope, and steadfast charity, so that
through a life of prayer and service with others we may
aid in promoting the Providence of God among all peoples.
Saint Théodore Guérin, pray for us. Amen.