The floodgates are open.

Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.” Mat 7:6

This is a prophecy that has become true, but nobody sees it… Michael Matt from the Remnant newspaper said something that only few people have seen in the last 3 years or so: “the true face of Vatican II has been revealed”, God spoke through Mr. Matt, God bless him.

Now, I’m adding something more to those words, that face of Vatican II revealed is nothing more than the face of Apostasy.

"Rome will lose the faith and becomes the seat of the Antichrist..." Our Blessed Lady, La Salette France 1846

Cardinal Ciapi must be now turning and tossing, he read the third secret of Fatima and he said about it: "The third secret says, among other things, that apostasy will come from the top"

The Vatican started to give communion in the hand to most nowadays, that didn't happened before, but the most telling deed is giving the pearl to Lutherans, when Francis was asked about it, he could've said yes or no, but instead he said the same thing the enemies of the Church have preached to push falseness:

"...shouldn’t we be walking together?” Pope Francis, November 16th 2015.

Conscience, walking together, not judging, you get the picture... when the Eucharist was given to Lutherans right after a meeting with Francis, nobody did anything, Amoris Laetitia happened and everything is words but no action.

On April 18th 2016 Silvio Berlusconi became the first celebrity/politician, who received the Eucharist despite being divorced and remarried, the year of Mercy resulted being the year when the prophecy of La Salette became 100% true.

Yet, most people don't see it that way, why? What do they see?

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