
February 11, 2014 CATHOLIC WORLD NEWS

Latest Headlines
Christians must be living Gospels, Pope tells Sunday audience CWN - 7 hours ago
At his Angelus audience on Sunday, February 9, Pope Francis said: “We all, as baptized persons, are missionary disciples, and are called to become a living Gospel in the world.” The Pope devoted...
Archbishop Gänswein discusses Pope Benedict’s life a year after his resignation CWN - 17 hours ago
In an interview with the Reuters news agency on the first anniversary of Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation, Archbishop Georg Gänswein said that he has “never noticed” the Pope Emeritus manifesting any...
New Secretary of State wants 'less bureaucratic' Roman Curia CWN - 7 hours ago
Archbishop Pietro Parolin said that he hoped to help mold a “less bureaucratic and more efficacious” Roman Curia, in an interview with the Italian daily Avvenire. The new Secretary of State—who...
Prominent Catholic leader flees Pakistan after death threats CWN - 7 hours ago
Paul Bhatti, the Pakistani political leader whose brother, Shabbaz Bhatti, was assassinated in March 2011, has left the country after receiving a series of death threats. Paul Bhatti said that he...
Obama administration grants ‘full and equal recognition’ to same-sex marriage CWN - 18 hours ago
Attorney General Eric Holder has announced that the Obama administration will grant “full and equal recognition” to same-sex marriages. “On Monday, I will issue a new policy memorandum that will...
Mass is a 'theophany,' Pope tells Monday congregation CWN - 7 hours ago
Pope Francis emphasized the need for a “sense of the sacred” at Mass, as he celebrated the Eucharistic sacrifice at the Domus Sanctae Marthae on February 10. The Mass, the Pope said, is a...
Irish archbishop fears 'homophobic' use of Church teaching CWN - 7 hours ago
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin of Dublin has expressed concern that Ireland’s debate on acceptance of same-sex marriage could prompt people to use Church teachings “in a homophobic way.” The...
Pope urges reconciliation in Sri Lanka, hints at a papal visit CWN - 7 hours ago
Pope Francis hinted at the prospect of a papal visit to Sri Lanka, as he met on February 8 with a group of pilgrims from the island nation. The Sri Lankan pilgrims, led by Cardinal Malcolm...
Vatican recognizes 125 new martyrs, moves 3 others toward beatification CWN - 6 hours ago
The Congregation for the Causes of Saints has released decrees recognizing 125 martyrs, and advancing three other candidates toward beatification. During a February 7 meeting with Cardinal Angelo...

The Congregation for the Causes of Saints has released decrees recognizing 125 martyrs, and advancing three other candidates toward beatification.
During a February 7 meeting with Cardinal Angelo Amato, the prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, Pope Francis approved the decrees recognized the martyrdom of Francesco Zirano, an Italian Franciscan priest, who was killed in Algeria in 1603; and of Paolo Yun Ji-chung, a Korean layman, and 123 companions who died in Korean persecutions between 1791 and 1888. All are now eligible for beatification.
The Congregation also recognized the “heroic virtue” of the following candidates, who will become eligible for beatification if a miracle is attributed to their influence:
Jesus Maria Echavarria y Aguirre (1858- 1954), a Mexican bishop;
Faustino Ghilardi (1858- 1937), born Guglielmo Giacomo, an Italian Franciscan; and
Maria Rocio of Jesus Crucified (1923- 1956), born Maria Rafaela Rodriguez Xuarez de la Guardia, a Spanish nun.

New poll underlines divisions among Catholics CWN - 6 hours ago
A new survey of Catholics, conducted by the Spanish-language Univision network, has shown sharp differences among self-identified Catholics, and widespread dissent from Church teachings. The poll...
South Africa’s bishops issue election statement, emphasize sanctity of life, marriage CWN - 15 hours ago
South Africa’s bishops have urged Catholics to register to vote for the upcoming general election, which will take place on the twentieth anniversary of the end of apartheid. “In the light of...
State high court: Catholic hospital may be sued for discrimination in firing CWN - 18 hours ago
Washington’s state supreme court has ruled that religious nonprofits may be sued for job discrimination on the basis of race, disability, or sexual orientation “if an employee's work was unrelated...
Man crashes car into Raleigh parish, sets fire to sanctuary, kills himself CWN - 17 hours ago
A 20-year-old man recently set his home on fire, crashed his car into a Raleigh parish, set fire to the sanctuary, and then killed himself by gunshot, according to a Raleigh television station...
Vatican newspaper surveys recent developments in Jewish-Catholic relations CWN - 17 hours ago
Writing in the English-language edition of L’Osservatore Romano, the secretary of the Commission of the Holy See for Religious Relations with the Jews has surveyed recent developments in...
Upcoming Hollywood movie on Mother Teresa CWN - 17 hours ago
Origin Entertainment will release a biographical film on Blessed Teresa of Calcutta (1910-97) in 2015, according to a recent Hollywood Reporter article. The producer of the film, entitled I...
Vatican pleased with progress in talks toward diplomatic pact with Palestinian Authority CWN - February 7
The Vatican has indicated “great satisfaction” at progress toward the completion of a diplomatic accord with the Palestinian Authority. Vatican and Palestinian representatives met on February 6...
UN committee chairman defends criticism of Vatican CWN - February 7
The chairwoman of the UN committee that issued a sharply critical report on the Holy See’s handling of sexual abuse has defended that report against Vatican charges of unfair treatment. Kirsten...
Vatican spokesman gives detailed critique of UN committee report CWN - February 7
In a sharply worded and detailed response to UN committee’s critical report on the Vatican’s response to sexual abuse, the Vatican’s chief spokesman has said that the committee’s recommendations “seem to go beyond its competencies and to interfere in the very doctrinal and moral positions of the Catholic Church.” Father Federico Lombardi, the director of the Vatican press office, released a...
Reject 'simplistic' feminist approach to women’s equality, Vatican envoy asks UN CWN - February 7
The Vatican’s representative at the UN has called upon world leaders to reject the idea that women can achieve social equality “only by the negation of their procreative capacities.” Speaking on...
Support marriage, oppose relativism, Pope asks Polish bishops CWN - February 7
At a February 5 audience with a group of bishops from Poland, who were concluding their ad limina visits, Pope Francis called for energetic evangelization, which would include opposition to...