Nature and Origin of Man

The Nature and Origin of Man
Posted on April 5, 2014 Leave a Comment

Nature and Origin of Man
So one question that definitely seems to escape the thoughts of most it seems today, finds its answer here in The Catholic Church. My hope is that we all ask this question and come to the only true answer. The question is, why are we here, or better yet, why did God create us? The answer is simple and should be memorized and taught especially to our youngsters, they NEED to know this. God created man to know, love, and serve his Creator and Lord in this life and in this way attain heaven and eternal happiness in the life to come. Once again, please teach and re-teach your children and grandchildren this important truth, it is a simple but effective moral compass in this turbulent place we call earth.Now, more than at any other time in history, we need direction and True purpose. This is our purpose for being, we have mission.....continued at