Although the lawsuit/complaint filed against us was dismissed in the summer of 2012, as mentioned above, THE “FINAL JUDGMENT” OFFICIALLY ENDING THE CASE was not issued at that time. That’s because both sides were still filing motions and various legal maneuvers were still occurring. HOWEVER, ON MARCH 21, 2014 (WHICH IS THE FEAST OF ST. BENEDICT IN THE TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC LITURGICAL CALENDAR …More
Although the lawsuit/complaint filed against us was dismissed in the summer of 2012, as mentioned above, THE “FINAL JUDGMENT” OFFICIALLY ENDING THE CASE was not issued at that time. That’s because both sides were still filing motions and various legal maneuvers were still occurring. HOWEVER, ON MARCH 21, 2014 (WHICH IS THE FEAST OF ST. BENEDICT IN THE TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC LITURGICAL CALENDAR), THE “FINAL JUDGMENT” OFFICIALLY ENDING THE CASE – AND SEALING OUR LEGAL VICTORY BY MAKING FINAL AND OFFICIAL THE JUDGE’S PREVIOUS DECISION DISMISSING THE COMPLAINT – WAS ISSUED!

While the exact month and day of St. Benedict’s birth is not known, March 21 is the day historical records list as the day of his death. March 21 is the day of the year on which St. Benedict is honored in the traditional Catholic calendar.

This event is a clear, stunning confirmation from Heaven (particularly for other people to see) that we are indeed Benedictines and true members of the Order of St. Benedict. In fact, we are the true Order of St. Benedict in our day. Anyone who knows anything about such lawsuits knows that neither plaintiffs nor defendants control when judges make their rulings or legal decisions are issued. Yet, this “final judgment” was issued on March 21. It’s a smashing victory, an obvious sign, in the face of all our detractors and opponents.


Over the years the most frequently posed objection to our work by far (and the primary attack against us by our opponents and enemies) is the charge that we are “not Benedictines” and not monks. The allegation that we are “fake monks,” “fake Benedictines,” “not real religious,” that we “lie about” our Benedictine status or history, etc. ad nauseam has been made perhaps thousands of times. You can hardly bring up our names, our work, or our monastery in certain quarters without encountering those making such a charge. The assertion is not only made by people in the Vatican II sect who disagree with our work. It has even been more aggressively asserted and spread by people in the “traditional movement” who disagree with some aspect of our work, such as the true position on salvation, the sedevacantist position, our condemnation of heretical priests or where to receive sacraments in these times. This is a smashing heavenly vindication right in the faces of all of them. We are Benedictines, as we’ve told you, and Heaven agrees. That’s the “final judgment,” issued on the feast of St. Benedict.

In fact, this event is a particularly sweet vindication over the radical schismatics. They are sedevacantists who generally agree with us on most doctrinal issues. After all, almost all of them came to the sedevacantist position, etc. from seeing the materials we have published. However, as a result of pride and bad will, many of them conclude that our view on either where to receive sacraments or jurisdiction or something else in this time is false, evil, heretical, etc. That crowd of wicked schismatics loves to assert that we are not Benedictines. To them we say: in your demonic, schismatic faces. You have done the work of the Devil, and the people who oppose our work do the work of the Devil. We desire your conversion, but you are disgraceful enemies of God.
We have been shocked by the level of bad will and unbelief in reaction to the very clear theological positions we have put forward to the public. But Our Lord did sadly state that very few are saved (Matthew 7:13). Jesus also indicated that He will find hardly any faith on Earth when He returns (Luke 18:8). He said the situation will be similar to the days of the global flood, when only eight out of the entire world were spared.

It’s true that no one could fully explain how bad this situation has gotten unless he were living at the time of the Great Apostasy foretold to occur at the end of the world. The situation (as we have shown) was predicted in biblical and Marian prophecies. That’s why the information and materials we have produced are so important.

Numerous conversions have taken place over the last 20 years due to the millions of souls we have reached with our material. Our material covering various issues of the Catholic faith is the most important collection of information available in the world.


We are living through the last days of the Great Apostasy. The most important work that can be carried out to help souls in this crisis is to give as many souls as possible the ability to know the true faith. What we teach and promote is the truth of Catholic teaching. God is (and has been) behind it. Those who oppose our work do the work of the Devil and will lose their souls.

To the people in the Novus Ordo sect, who acknowledge Antipope Francis or any of the Vatican II antipopes, we say: you are wrong, and we are right.

To the people in false traditionalist groups, such as the SSPX, FSSP, etc., who waste countless dollars on heresies and lies, building impressive external structures devoid of the true faith of God, we say: you are wrong, and we are right.

To those sedevacantists who disagree with the Catholic teaching we teach and defend on salvation and baptism, or disagree with our position against NFP birth control, or support heretical priests, we say: you are wrong, and we are right.

To the radical schismatics who think our position on receiving sacraments or jurisdiction in this time of crisis is sinful, evil, non-Catholic or wrong, we say: you are wrong, and we are right.

Amazing: The “Final Judgment” Ending Our “Benedictine Fraud” Lawsuit Was Issued On The Feast Of St …

Brother Michael Dimond, O.S.B. As many readers of our website know, in the summer of 2012 Most Holy …